Sēo Īriscan sprǣc (Gaeilge, englisc: Irish) bið Goidelisc sprǣc gesibbu Scyttisce and Manisce, þe gesprēcenu is on Īrlande. Īrisc is forð in lytlum landscipum gesprecen, sƿīðost in Connacht, sē ƿestdǣl Īrlandes. Landscipas þǣr Īrisc bið forð gesprēcenu sindon Gaeltachtaí nemnede (ānf. Gaeltacht), and þæt folc sindon Gaeilgeoirí nemnedu (ƿordriht "ƿynnnumne Īriscsprecendas").

Gaeltacht, Īriscsprecende landscipas on Īrlande tōdæg
Īriscsprecendas on 1871

Īrisc, ongeador mid Englisce, bið folclicu sprǣc on Īrlande, and is in eallum folcscōlum in þǣm Cyneƿīsan Īrlandes læred.

Gaelach (Īriscu stæfrǣƿ) ƿrīten wið cló Gaelach (Īriscum stāfum)
Twisprǣce ƿēgtācn on Īrisc and Nīƿe Englisc

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