Ċeorlestūn (Englisc: Charleston) is sēo hēofodburg in Ƿestuirginiæ rīce þāra Geāndena Rīca American. Sēo burg is gebōcod tūn þe stent in Kanahƿascīr, and hæfþ 51,400 lēoda þæs 2010. gēares. Hēo is se hām þæs Eormengyldes Charlestones. Charlston is sēo mǣste burg in Ƿestvirginie.

Quick Facts Rīcehēafodstōlas on þǣm Geanedan Ricu America, Rīce ...
Rīcehēafodstōlas on þǣm Geanedan Ricu America
Rīce Muntgumni (AL) • Jūnbyrg (AK) • Fēonix (AZ) • Lȳtelrōc (AR) • Hālgþingstede (CA) • Denaford (CO) • Heortford (CT) • Dofor (DE) • Talehæfesē (FL) • Ætlanda (GA) • Hānolūlu (HI) • Bōisē (ID) • Spryngfeld (IL) • Indigabyrg (IN) • Þā Mūnecas (IA) • Tōpēca (KS) • Francofort (KY) • Rēadstic (LA) • Ƿēodmōnaða (ME) • Annabyrg (MD) • Botwulfstūn (MA) • Lǣnsing (MI) • Hālgapaulus (MN) • Iǣxcūn (MS) • Gefersūnesburh (MO) • Hǣlēna (MT) • Lincoln (NE) • Carsanburg (NV) • Gelēafa (NH) • Trenttūn (NJ) • Hāleġelēafa (NM) • Ælbanige (NY) • Raleah (NC) • Bismearc (ND) • Columbus (OH) • Oclahomaceaster (OK) • Sǣlham (OR) • Hǣrēsburh (PA) • Godsweot (RI) • Columbȳa (SC) • Petrusƿic (SD) • Gnashfyll (TN) • Ēastūnburh (TX) • Sealtlacceaster (UT) • Montpelier (VT) • Rīċemund (VA) • Olimpie (WA) • Ċeorlestūn (WV) • Mædison (WI) • Ċieanneburh (WY)
Þoftscipe Hƿæsingatūn, D.C.

Pægopægo (AS) • Haguatnā (GU) • Sāpan (MP) • Sanctiohannēs (PR) • Ceorlette Amaliaburh (VI)

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Quick Facts Land, Gestaðelod ...
Ċeorlestūn on Ƿestuirginiæ, 2023.


Land  Geānedu Rīcu America Geānedu Rīcu America
Gestaðelod 1786
Brego Amy Shuler Goodwin
• gerim

84.535411 km², 84.584726 km²
Hiehþu 597±1 foot
• buend

48,864 buenda
Tidgyrdel UTC−05:00
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