[[Ymele:|right|thumb|180px|Ioseph Biden Foresittend]] Se Foresittend þāra Geāndena Rīca is cyneƿīsan hēafod þāra Geāndena Rīca. Under þǣm Grundrīceƿrite ("Constitution"), se foresittend is ēac hēahmagister þæs geānedrīclīcan geƿealdes and oferheretoga þāra hera.

For þǣm þe sēo onƿealdnes þāra Geāndena Rīca, man hǣtt þone Geānedrīciscan foresittend "mihtigost mann on eorðan", and hē is ān þāra fullcūðostena ƿorulde manna. In þǣm Cealdan Ƿīge, man brēac þā ƿord "lǣdere þǣre frēon ƿorulde" be þǣm foresittende.

Þā Geāndan Rīcu ƿǣron þæt ǣroste rīce mid foresittendhāde.

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