Þæt Ġeānode Cynerīċe Grēatre Brytene and Norþirlandes is cynerice on norðernre Europan. Man nemneþ hit sceortlice Ġeānode Cynerīċe oþþe UK (of Niƿenglisce: United Kingdom).

Quick Facts Ġeānod Cynerīċe Grēatre Brytene and Norþirlandes United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Geaned Cynerices fana ...
Ġeānod Cynerīċe Grēatre Brytene and Norþirlandes
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Geaned Cynerices fana
þæs Geanedan Cynerices rices geatwe
Geaned Cynerices fana
þæs Geanedan Cynerices rices geatwe

Anstefn: God Save the King
(Ænglisc: "God Hret þone Cyng")


Cyning Carl III Bretta Cyning
Forma Þegn Ceir Starmer
• hēafodgerīm
• þiccnes

67,545,757[1] būenda
270.7 būend/km2
• getæl
• for ǣlcum hēafde
2.936 mld USD[2]
44,177 mld USD[2]
HDI 0.929
Tīdgyrdel Eallic tīd +1
Sprecungrīm +44
Wægnplatung UK
Logo Wikimedia Commons Ġeānod Cynerīċe Commons

Þæt Ġeānode Cynerīċe liþ on garsecges ieglandum beƿestnorðan Europan. His mæst ieg is Bryten (Niwenglisc: Great Britain) and his oþru Irland þæron licgaþ siexe scira þæs rices. Eall ymbe þissum særiman sind manigfealda iega and igoþas.

Bryten and Irland and heora læssan iega sind "þa Bryttiscan Iega".

Cynerice is þæt Ġeānode Cynerīċe, þæs is Carl III Cyning. His heafodstol is Ƿestmynster (oþþe Lunden þærof is Ƿestmynster nu dæl). Se Cyning hæfþ his stol her and his ham æt Ƿindlesoran.

þa Bryttiscan Iega met Ġeānode Cynerīċe in read.


Þæt Geanede Cynerice Ƿearþ gescapen æfter syndrigum "Acts of Union", þæt habbaþ þa sƿeotolan ricu Englaland, ƿealas, Scotland, and Irland geanlæht under an rædena in Lundene. Mæst þæs landes Irlandes tosyndrode of þæm Geanlæhtan Cynerice in þam 1922an geare, and todæg is Irland Cyneƿise, ac se norðeasterna dæl þæs ieglandes, Norðerne Irland gehaten, geƿunaþ in þæm Geandan Cynerice. Þæt Geanede Cynerice Ƿearþ gescapen æfter syndrigum "Acts of Union", þæt habbaþ þa sƿeotolan ricu Englaland, ƿealas, Scotland, and Irland geanlæht under an rædena in Lundene. Mæst þæs landes Irlandes tosyndrode of þæm Geanlæhtan Cynerice in þam 1922an geare, and todæg is Irland Cyneƿise, ac se norðeasterna dæl þæs ieglandes, Norðerne Irland gehaten, geƿunaþ in þæm Geandan Cynerice.

Niƿu Ƿord

Þis gewrit hæfþ niwu word. Man ah þis getæl mid eallum niwum wordum and her gebrocenum ican.
This article contains new words. All new words used here should be added to this list.
  • Forma (aj) Þegn (sm) - Prime Minister
  • Geaned (aj) Cynerice (sn) - United Kingdom
  • Niƿenglisc (sn) - Modern English
  • selfricsiendlic (aj) - autonomous

Seoh eac

Forma (aj) Þegn (sm) - Prime Minister Geaned (aj) Cynerice (sn) - United Kingdom Niƿenglisc (sn) - Modern English selfricsiendlic (aj) - autonomous

  • Greatre Bryten Cynerice


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