Þæt Hālige Land (Hebrēisce: ארץ הקודש Erets HaQodesh, Crēacisc: Άγιοι Τόποι, Arabisc: الأرض المقدسة, al-Arḍ ul-Muqaddasah), is þæt land se man mōt hatan Canaanland oþþe Israhēlland æfter þǣre Biblioþēcan. In þǣre Biblioþēcan be Godes þǣm ƿordbēote ƿæs þæt land Israhēlþēodes ǣht. Ǣr cƿōm Israhēlþēod in þæt land ƿæs his nama Canaan.


Ēac is þæt Hālige Land 'Palestine gehāten, forðǣm ðe Hadrianus Rōmānisc Cāsere geaf him þone naman æfter hē hæfde gesent ealle Iudēas ūt on ƿræce. Tōdæg þā Arabas þæs landes sind be naman "Palestineƿare".

Tōdæg hæfþ Israhēl rīce þone mǣstan dǣl þæs landes mid þām Palestiniscum Landscipum.

Ierusalem is þæs Hāligan Landes mǣst and cūðost ceaster.


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