Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller (geboren on 12 Mædmōnaðe þæs 1908. gēares in Nīƿeoforƿīce, biþ on 26 Æfterran-Gēolan þæs 1979. gēares gestorfen) ƿæs Americanisc mannceariga and ambihtmann. Hē ƿæs sunu tō John D. Rockefeller and Laura Spelman Rockefeller. Hē ƿæs ānƿealda þǣre Nīƿan Eoforƿīce-scīrunge and ƿearþ æfter-foresittend þāra Geānedena Rīca American hƿīlum þām 1974. tō 1977. gēarum, under Gerald Ford foresittend. Hē ēac dǣlnam sƿā þæt þæt World Trade Center of Nīƿeoforƿīcbyrig geƿorht sīe.

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