Pinguīnas (Spheniscidae) (Niwenglisc: penguin) is sē ānlica fēaðermēawcynn on sēofonfeðerbyrdum.


Pinguīnas sind fugelas þe nā flēogan magon. Hwīlum sind hīe getimbrode tō libbienne on wǣtre, and sind sē betstan swemmere and ȳtdȳgere.

Sēo fēawa getimbrodness on sēofonfeðerbyrdum cumaþ on mislīce wīdnessum þāra sūþhealfum, fram sūþpolgebyrd oþ and tō þǣm heofonweg. Sē Galapagospinguīn, þe libbaþ on þā Galapagose īeglandum, is sē ānlica sēohte þeāwð þe lȳtel dǣl his libbwonges ēac on sē norþhealf hæbbeþ.

Pinguīnas sind gemǣnelīce ġefunde on þǣre lande Antarcica.[1]


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