Wikipǣdia:Gecorene gemynddagas/14 Solmonaþ

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14. dæg Solmonþes: Hālgan Ualentines Dæg


  • 842Hloðƿig se Þēodisc and Carl se Calu sƿōren ætgædre þā Strǣtbyrig Āðas. Þæt in ealdhēahþēodisce and ealdfrencisce man hæfþ gehealden sƿā geƿrit mid ieldeste andƿeard folcssprǣclic bōc.
  • 1779 - Iacobus Cōc Bryttisc sciphlāford cƿellode þā inlendan þǣm Sandƿic Īege.
  • 1876 - Elisha Gray and Alexander Graham Bell ælc sohtede frumanrihtes geƿrit for þǣm feorrsprecan.
  • 1945 - Bombing of Dresden in Ƿoruldgūþ II: Se Britisc Cynelica Lyftþrēat and se United States Fyrdes Lyftþrēat onginnaþ fȳrbombian Dresden, se is hēafodsetl þǣm Þēodiscan land Seaxlande.
  • 1989 - Khomeini ayatollah Persealandes forscyldigode þā bōc The Satanic Verses sƿā "bismersprǣc ƿið Alladōme", and reord sum prēostes dōm ðærin bē he þe man slēah Salman Rushdie ƿritere.

HordMāran gemynddagas...

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