Yr astudiaeth a'r broses o ymchwilio i ystyron a defnydd geiriau ac ysgrifennu geiriaduron yw geiriadureg, geiriaduraeth neu geiriadura.

Efallai eich bod yn chwilio am geireg.

Gweler hefyd

  • Thesawrws

Darllen pellach

  • Frawley, William, Keeneth C. Hill a Pamela Munro. Making Dictionaries: preserving indigenous languages of the Americas. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Green, Jonathon 2002 Chasing the Sun - Dictionary-Makers and the Dictionaries They Made. Pimlico
  • Hartmann, R. R. K. 2001 Teaching and Researching Lexicography
  • Haviland, John 2006 "Documenting lexical knowledge". Yn Jost Gippert, Nikolaus P. Himmelmann a Ulrike mosel (gol.) Essentials of Language Documentation, tt. 129-162
  • Jackson, Howard 2002 Lexicography: An Introduction. Routledge.
  • Landau, Sidney, 2001 Dictionaries: The Art and Craft of Lexicography, 2il argraffiad., Oxford University Press
  • Mosel, Ulrike 2004 "Dictionary making in endangered speech communities". Yn Peter K. Austin (gol.) Language documentation and description. Cyf. 2, tt. 39-54. Llundain: SOAS.
  • Sterkenburg, P. G. J. van 2003 A Practical Guide to Lexicography. John Benjamins.

Dolenni allanol

Eginyn erthygl sydd uchod am ieithyddiaeth. Gallwch helpu Wicipedia drwy ychwanegu ato.

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