Constituent Assembly elections were held in Norway in 1814.[1] The elections were held in Christiania and the surrounding area in February, and in the rest of the country as news of the need for elections arrived.[1] However, in the two Northernmost Amts Nordlandene and Finnmarken in the far north of the country, the elections were not held until July and August, by which time the Assembly had finished its work.[1] As political parties were not officially established until 1884,[2] the 112 elected members were independents.[3]

The Constituent Assembly convened in Eidsvoll to draw up the Constitution of Norway. The delegates were popularly dubbed the "Eidsvoll men" (Eidsvollsmennene). The new constitution was agreed on 16 May 1814, and signed and dated the following day. Elections to a second Constituent Assembly were held on 14 August.[1]

List of members meeting at Eidsvoll on 17 May 1814

Akershuus amt (county)

Aggershuske Ridende Jæg. Corps/Akershusiske skarpskytter Regiment (military)


Arendal (city)

Artillerie-Corpset (military)


Bergen (city)

Søndre Bergenhuus Amt (county)

Nordre Bergenhuus Amt (county)

Bergenhus Regiment (military)

Buskerud Amt (county)

Bratsberg Amt (county)

Christiania (city)

Christiansand (city)

Christians Amt (county)

Christiansund (city)

Drammen (city)

Friderichshald (city)

Friedrichsstad (city)

Hedemarkens Amt (county)

Holmestrand (city)

Jarlsberg Grevskab (county)

Ingenieur Brigaden (military)

Kongsberg (city)

Kragerø (city)

Laurvig (city)

Laurvigs Grevskab (county)


Lister Amt (county)

Mandals Amt (county)

Molde (city)

Moss (city)

Nedenæs Amt (county)

Nordenfjelske Infanteri Regiment (military)


Norske Jeger Corps (military)


Oplandske Infanterie Regiment (military)

Porsgrund (city)

Raabøigelaugets Amt (county)

Romsdals Amt (county)

Røraas Bergkorps (military)


Smaalehnenes Amt (county)

Schien (city)

Stavanger (city)

Stavanger Amt (county)

Søe-Deffensionen (military)

Søndenfieldske Infanterie-Regiment (military)


Søndenfieldske Dragon-Regiment (military)


Tellemarkske Infanterie Regiment (military)

Trondhjem (city)

Søndre Trondhjems Amt (county)

Nordre Trondhiems Amt (county)

Første Trondhjemske Regiment (military)


Andet Trondhjemske Regiment (military)


Trondhiemske Dragon Corps (military)


Tønsberg (city)

Westerlenske Inf. Regiment (military)


Østerrisør (city)

References and notes

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