A sodium phosphate is a generic variety of salts of sodium (Na+) and phosphate (PO3−4). Phosphate also forms families or condensed anions including di-, tri-, tetra-, and polyphosphates. Most of these salts are known in both anhydrous (water-free) and hydrated forms. The hydrates are more common than the anhydrous forms.[1]

Sodium dihydrogen phosphate
Sodium hydrogen phosphate
Trisodium phosphate


Sodium phosphates have many applications in food and for water treatment. For example, sodium phosphates are often used as emulsifiers (as in processed cheese),[2] thickening agents, and leavening agents for baked goods. They are also used to control pH of processed foods.[3] They are also used in medicine for constipation and to prepare the bowel for medical procedures. They are also used in detergents for softening water and as an efficient anti-rust solution.

Adverse effects

Sodium phosphates are popular in commerce in part because they are inexpensive and because they are nontoxic at normal levels of consumption.[4] However, oral sodium phosphates when taken at high doses for bowel preparation for colonoscopy may in some individuals carry a risk of kidney injury under the form of phosphate nephropathy. There are several oral phosphate formulations which are prepared extemporaneously. Oral phosphate prep drugs have been withdrawn in the United States, although evidence of causality is equivocal.[5] Since safe and effective replacements for phosphate purgatives are available, several medical authorities have recommended general disuse of oral phosphates.[6]


Three families of sodium monophosphates are common, those derived from orthophosphate (PO3−4), hydrogen phosphate (HPO2−4), and dihydrogenphosphate (H2PO4). Some of the best known salts are shown in the following table.

More information name, formula ...
name formula CAS registry number
monosodium phosphate (anhydrous)NaH2PO47558-80-7
monosodium phosphate monohydrateNaH2PO4·H2O10049-21-5
monosodium phosphate dihydrateNaH2PO4·2H2O13472-35-0
disodium phosphate (anhydrous)Na2HPO47558–79–4
disodium phosphate dihydrateNa2HPO4·2H2O10028-24-7
disodium phosphate heptahydrateNa2HPO4·7H2O7782–85–6
disodium phosphate octahydrateNa2HPO4·8H2O
disodium phosphate dodecahydrateNa2HPO4·12H2O10039–32–4
trisodium phosphate (anhydrous, hexagonal)Na3PO4
trisodium phosphate (anhydrous, cubic)Na3PO47601–54–9
trisodium phosphate hemihydrateNa3PO4·0.5H2O
trisodium phosphate hexahydrateNa3PO4·6H2O
trisodium phosphate octahydrateNa3PO4·8H2O
trisodium phosphate dodecahydrateNa3PO4·12H2O10101-89-0

Di- and polyphosphates

In addition to these phosphates, sodium forms a number of useful salts with pyrophosphates (also called diphosphates), triphosphates and high polymers. Of these salts, those of the diphosphates are particularly common commercially.

More information name, formula ...
name formula CAS Registry number
monosodium diphosphate (anhydrous)NaH3P2O7
disodium diphosphate (anhydrous)Na2H2P2O77758-16-9
disodium diphosphate hexahydrateNa2H2P2O7·6H2O
trisodium diphosphate (anhydrous)Na3HP2O7
trisodium diphosphate monohydrateNa3HP2O7·H2O
trisodium diphosphate nonahydrateNa3HP2O7·9H2O
tetrasodium diphosphate (anhydrous)Na4P2O77722-88-5
tetrasodium diphosphate decahydrateNa4P2O7·10H2O13472-36-1

Beyond the diphosphates, sodium salts are known triphosphates, e.g. sodium triphosphate and tetraphosphates. The cyclic polyphosphates, called metaphosphates, include the trimer sodium trimetaphosphate and the tetramer, Na3P3O9 and Na4P4O12, respectively.

Polymeric sodium phosphates are formed upon heating mixtures of NaH2PO4 and Na2HPO4, which induces a condensation reaction. The specific polyphosphate generated depends on the details of the heating and annealing. One derivative is the glassy (i.e., amorphous) Graham's salt (sodium hexametaphosphate). It is a cyclic polyphosphate with the formula Na6[(PO3)6]. Crystalline high molecular weight polyphosphates include Kurrol's salt and Maddrell's salt (CAS#10361-03-2). These species have the formula [NaPO3]n[NaPO3(OH)]2 where n can be as great as 2000, and it is a white powder practically insoluble in water. In terms of their structures, these polymers consist of PO3 units, with the chains are terminated by protonated phosphates.[1][7]


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