iking5 is a wikipedian interested in lesser known conspiracy theories and obscure pieces of pop culture history. He is a supporter and narrator for Spoken Wiki with particular interest in the narration of strange, disgusting and obscure articles (Hours narrated: 4:32:45).
He is currently enrolled at George Washington University working on a Ph.D. in high-performance computing with a focus on graph algorithms and graph neural networks. He previously attended GMU where he was awarded a B.S. in Computer Science with a minor in Mathematics. He is a former member of WGMU.


  • Maui: Black-Box Edge Privacy Attack on Graph Neural Networks (2024)[1]
  • EdgeTorrent: Real-time Temporal Graph Representations for Intrusion Detection (2023)[2]
  • Graggle: A Graph-based Approach to Document Clustering (2022)[3]
  • Euler: Detecting Network Lateral Movement via Scalable Temporal Link Prediction (2022)[4]
  • Resignation (2022)[5]
  • The Civil Disobedience Club (2021)[6]
  • The Bucket and Other Weird Stories (2019)[7]
  • Peer Reviewed webcomic (2018)[8]
  • The Sixth Kingdom and Other Essays I Wrote At Work (2018)[9]
  • Thanatology and Psychedelics (2016)[10]

* Narrated with Andy T.

**Narrated by Andy T.


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