List of Alpha Phi Alpha national conventions

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Alpha Phi Alpha is an intercollegiate historically African American fraternity. It was formed at Cornell University on December 4, 1906. The general conventions and other national conventions of Alpha Phi Alpha are as follows.[1]

More information Convention number, Dates ...
Convention number Dates Location Host chapter Anniversary Refs
1st December 28, 1908 Howard University
Washington, D. C.
Beta [2][3]
2nd December 27, 1909 December 29, 1909 Virginia Union University
Richmond, Virginia
Gamma [2][4][a]
3rd December 29, 1910 December 31, 1910 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania [2][4]
4th December 27, 1911 December 30, 1911 University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Epsilon [2][4][5][6]
5th December 26, 1912 December 28, 1912 Ohio State University
Columbus, Ohio
Kappa [2]
6th December 29, 1913 December 31, 1912 Howard University
Washington, D. C.
Beta [7][8][b]
7th December 29, 1914 Chicago, Illinois Theta [4][9]
8th December 27, 1915 December 29, 1915 University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Omicron [4][10][11]
9th December 27, 1916 December 30, 1916 Virginia Union University
Richmond, Virginia
Gamma [12][13]
10th December 26, 1917 December 29, 1917 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Rho and Nu [12][14][15]
11th December 27, 1918 December 31, 1918 Cleveland, Ohio Pi [16]
12th 1919 Chicago, Illinois Theta
13th 1920 Kansas City, Missouri Beta Lambda
14th December 17, 1921 December 20, 1921 Baltimore, Maryland Delta Lambda [17][18][c]
15th December 27, 1922 December 31, 1922 St. Louis, Missouri Epsilon Lambda [19][20][21]
16th December 27, 1923 December 31, 1923 Columbus, Ohio Kappa [20][22][23][d]
17th December 27, 1924 New York City, New York Eta [22][23][24]
18th December 1925 Detroit, Michigan Gamma Lambda [25]
19th December 27, 1926 December 31, 1926 Virginia Union University
Richmond, Virginia
Gamma [25][26][27]
20th 1927 Cleveland, Ohio Pi
21st 1928 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Rho and Psi
22nd December 28, 1929 December 31, 1929 Atlanta, Georgia Alpha Phi, Alpha Rho, and Eta Lambda [28]
23rd 1931 Cincinnati, Ohio Alpha Alpha 25th
24th 1933 St. Louis, Missouri Eta Lambda 27th [19][29]
August 19, 1934 August 22, 1934 Chicago, Illinois Theta and Xi Lambda [30][31][e]
25th December 28, 1935 December 31, 1935 Nashville, Tennessee Chi, Alpha Chi, Beta Omicron, and Tau Lambda 29th [32][33][34][f]
1936 Los Angeles, California Alpha Delta
26th 1937 New Orleans, Louisiana Beta Tau and Sigma Lambda 31st [6]
27th August 28, 1939 New York City, New York Eta and Alpha Gamma Lambda [35][g]
28th December 30, 1940 Kansas City, Missouri Beta Lambda [36][37][38][h][i]
29th 1941 Louisville, Kentucky Alpha Lambda 35th
30th 1944 Atlantic City, New Jersey Alpha Theta Lambda 38th
31st 1945 Chicago, Illinois Theta and Xi Lambda 39th
32nd 1946 Columbus, Ohio Kappa and Alpha Rho Lambda 40th
33rd December 28, 1947 Tulsa, Oklahoma Alpha Tau Lambda 41st [39][j]
34th 1948 Atlantic City, New Jersey Alpha Theta Lambda 42nd
35th 1949 Atlanta, Georgia Eta Lambda, Alpha Rho-Alpha Phi, and Iota 43rd [40][k]
36th 1950 Kansas City, Missouri Beta Lambda 44th [37][h]
37th December 27, 1951 December 30, 1951 Berkeley, California Alpha Epsilon 45th [41][42][l]
38th December 26, 1952 December 30, 1952 Cleveland, Ohio Pi and Delta-Alpha Lambda 46th [43][44][m][n]
39th December 27, 1953 December 31, 1953 Detroit, Michigan Gamma Lambda and Alpha Psi 47th [45][46][o]
40th December 27, 1954 December 30, 1954 Miami, Florida Beta Beta Lambda 48th [47][48]
41st December 27, 1955 December 30, 1955 Morrison Hotel
Chicago, Illinois
Theta and Xi Lambda 49th [49][p][q]
42nd August 7, 1956 August 11, 1956 Buffalo, New York Rho Lambda and the General Organization 50th [50][51][52][53][r]
43rd 1957 Los Angeles, California Alpha Delta, Gamma Xi, and Beta Phi Lambda 51st
44th 1958 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Rho, Zeta Omicron Lambda, and Psi 52nd [54]
45th December 26, 1959 December 30, 1959 Cincinnati, Ohio Alpha Alpha and Delta Gamma Lambda 53rd [37][55][56][57][s]
46th August 19, 1960 August 23, 1960 Washington, D. C. Beta, Mu Lambda and Omicron Lambda Alpha 54th [58]
47th December 1961 Louisville, Kentucky Alpha Lambda, Alpha Beta Lambda, Gamma Beta Lambda, and Psi Lambda 55th [59]
48th December 1962 Columbus, Ohio Kappa and Alpha Rho Lambda 56th [60][t]
49th August 16, 1963 August 22, 1963 Boston, Massachusetts Sigma and Epsilon Lambda 57th [61]
50th August 14, 1964 August 20, 1964 New York City, New York Eta, Alpha Gamma Lambda, Eta Zeta Lambda, Delta Chi, Gamma Iota Lambda, Delta Chi, Zeta Zeta Lambda, Eta Chi Lambda, and Eta Theta Lambda 58th [62][63][u]
51st August 1965 Chicago, Illinois Theta and Xi Lambda 59th [64][v]
52nd 1966 St. Louis, Missouri Deta Eta, Alpha Epsilon Lambda, and Epsilon Lambda 60th [19]
53rd 1967 Los Angeles, California Beta Psi Lambda, Gamma Xi, and Alpha Delta 61st
54th August 1968 Detroit, Michigan Alpha Psi and Gamma Lambda 62nd [6][65]
55th August 1969 Shamrock Hotel
Houston, Texas
Delta Theta and Alpha Eta Lambda 63rd [66][67]
56th 1970 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Psi, Rho, and Zeta Omicron Lambda 64th
57th 1971 Milwaukee, Wisconsin Delta Chi Lambda and Epsilon Tau 65th
58th 1972 Denver, Colorado Delta Psi Lambda and Iota Omicron Lambda 66th [6]
59th August 1973 Roosevelt-Fairmont Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana Sigma Lambda, Beta Phi, and Epsilon Chi 67th [68]
60th 1974 Bay Area Bay Area Chapters 68th
61st August 1, 1975 August 7, 1975 Fontainebleau Hotel
Miami Beach, Florida
Beta Beta Lambda and Miami Area chapters 69th [69][70][71][w]
62nd, Phase 1 July 30, 1976 August 3, 1976 New York City, New York Greater New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut chapters 70th [72]
62nd, Phase 2 August 3, 1976 August 9, 1976 Monrovia, Liberia, West Africa Eta Epsilon Lambda 70th [72][73][74]
63rd August 5, 1977 August 10, 1977 Hilton Atlanta
Atlanta, Georgia
Iota and Epsilon Lambda 71st [75][76][77]
64th July 28, 1978 August 3, 1978 Minneapolis, Minnesota Mu and Gamma Xi Lambda 72nd [78]
65th August 3, 1979 August 9, 1979 Washington, D. C. Beta and Mu Lambda 73rd [79][80][x]
66th August 1, 1980 Chicago, Illinois Xi Lambda 74th [81]
67th July 31, 1981 August 6, 1981 Dallas, Texas Alpha Sigma Lambda 75th [82][83][84][y]
68th August 1982 Los Angeles, California Gamma Xi and Beta Psi Lambda 76th [85][z]
69th 1983 New Orleans, Louisiana Sigma Lambda 77th
70th August 3, 1984 August 7, 1984 Stouffer's Inn on the Square
Cleveland, Ohio
Pi and Delta Alpha Lambda 78th [86][87]
71st August 1985 Atlanta, Georgia Eta Lambda 79th [88]
72nd July 31, 1986 August 6, 1986 Washington Hilton
Washington, D. C.
Mu Lambda 80th [89][90]
73rd July 23, 1987 July 29, 1987 San Francisco Hilton
San Francisco, California
Gamma Chi Lambda 81st [91]
74th 1988 Kansas City, Missouri Beta Lambda 82nd
75th July 27, 1989 August 2, 1989 Marriott Rivercenter and Riverwalk hotels
San Antonio, Texas
Mu Nu and Delta Rho Lambda 83rd [92][93]
76th August 2, 1990February 8, 1990 Fontainebleau Miama Hotel
Miami Beach, Florida
Beta Beta Lambda 84th [94]
77th August 1991 Omni Radisson
Baltimore, Maryland
Beta Alpha and Delta Lambda 85th [95]
78th August 1992 Anaheim, California Nu Tau Lambda 86th [96]
79th July 29, 1993August 4, 1993 New Orleans, Louisiana Sigma Lambda 87th [97][98][aa]
80th August 1994 Chicago Hilton Hotel and Towers
Chicago, Illinois
Xi Lambda 88th [99][100][ab]
81st August 1995 Orlando, Florida Delta Xi Lambda 89th [101][ac]
August 1996 New Orleans, Louisiana Sigma Lambda 90th [102][103][ad]
82nd July 31, 1997August 4, 1997 Washington, D. C. Mu Lambda 91st [104][105][ae]
August 2, 1998 Nassau Marriott Resort and Crystal Palace Hotels
Nassau, Bahamas
Iiota Epsilon Lambda 92nd [106][af]
83rd July 29, 1999August 3, 1999 Wyndham Anatole
Dallas, Texas
Alpha Sigma Lambda and Xi Tau Lambda 93rd [107]
August 3, 2000August 8, 2000 Hyatt Regency
Atlanta, Georgia
Alpha Rho and Eta Lambda 94th [108][109]
84th August 2, 2001August 7, 2001 Marriott Hotel
New Orleans, Louisiana
Rho Iota and Sigma Lambda 95th [110]
August 1, 2002August 4, 2002 Bally's Las Vegas
Las Vegas, Nevada
Mu and Gamma Xi Lambda 96th [111][ag]
85th July 31, 2003August 5, 2003 Renaissance Center
Detroit, Michigan
Pi Psi and Gamma Lambda 97th [112]
August 5, 2004August 8, 2004 Philadelphia Marriott
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Psi and Rho 98th [113][ah]
86th August 4, 2005August 8, 2005 Hilton Americas Hotel
Houston, Texas
Delta Theta and Alpha Eta Lambda 99th [67]
July 25, 2006July 30, 2006 Marriott Wardman Park
Washington, D. C.
Beta and Mu Lambda 100th [114][115][116][ai]
87th August 9, 2007August 13, 2007 Rosen Shingle Creek
Orlando, Florida
Delta Xi Lambda 101st [117][118][119]
88th July 17, 2008July 21, 2008 Bartle Hall Convention Center
Kansas City, Missouri
102nd [120]
89th July 15, 2009July 19, 2009 Hilton New Orleans Riverside
New Orleans, Louisiana
103rd [121][122]
90th July 21, 2010July 25, 2010 Bally's Las Vegas
Las Vegas, Nevada
104th [123][124]
91st June 22, 2011June 26, 2011 Hilton Chicago
Chicago, Illinois
105th [125][126][127][aj]
92nd June 26, 2013June 30, 2013 Hilton Austin Hotel
Austin, Texas
Gamma Eta Rho 107th [128][129][ak]
93rd August 5, 2015August 9, 2015 Charlotte Convention Center
Charlotte, North Carolina
Beta Nu Lambda, Alpha Omicron, Mu Tau, and Tau Omicron 109th [130][131][al]
94th July 12, 2017July 16, 2017 Baltimore Convention Center
Baltimore, Maryland
111th [132][am]
95th July 24, 2019

July 28, 2019

Bally's Las Vegas
Las Vegas, Nevada
113th [133][an]
96th July 14, 2021

July 18, 2021

JW Marriott Indianapolis
Indianapolis, Indiana
Iota Lambda, Gamma Rho, and Theta Xi 115th [134][ao]
97th July 26, 2023

July 30, 2023

Hilton Anatole
Dallas, Texas
Alpha Sigma Lambda, Beta Tau Lambda, Nu Pi Lambda, Xi Tau Lambda, Rho Nu Lambda, and Eta Pi Lambda 117th [135][ap]


  1. Crisis indicates this conference was held in New York City, New York.
  2. The conception of the Sphinx came out of this convention.
  3. Convention was followed by travel to Washington, D.C. on December 28, 1921 to Initiate of Frederick Douglass into the Omega chapter.
  4. The Delta Sigma Theta convention held simultaneously.
  5. This was a special conferencedevoted to ending Jim Crow practices in public education.
  6. This conference was hosted at Tennessee State University campus.
  7. Began use of General Convention with this year.
  8. This was a Tri-Convention with Alpha Kappa Alpha and Kappa Alpha Psi.
  9. Membership requirement to be a Negro was removed at the conference
  10. Former Vice President Henry A. Wallace gave a speech at the convention.
  11. The theme of this convention was Segregation Must Go.
  12. Jet magazine (January 17, 1951) has Los Angeles/Santa Monica as the location.
  13. This was ajoint convention with Alpha Kappa Alpha, Delta Sigma Theta. Kappa Alpha Psi, Sigma Gamma Rho, and Zeta Phi Beta.
  14. The constitution was changed to allow admission "regardless of race, color or creed" at this convention.
  15. The convention's theme was "First of All Servants of All". Its speakers included Thurgood Marshall and Archibald Carey Jr..
  16. The convention's theme was "Desegregation the Mode; Total Integration the Goal"
  17. During the convention the National Headquarters in Chicago was dedicated.
  18. The convention's theme was "Building on the Past--To Face the Challenges of the Future." Its speakers were New York Governor W. Averell Harriman, Kentucky Senator John Sherman Cooper, and Martin Luther King Jr..
  19. This was a joint convention with Alpha Kappa Alpha.
  20. This was the last wintertime convention.
  21. This convention's theme was Communication - Excellence: Key to Equality.
  22. The convention's speakers were Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey and Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley.
  23. The convention's theme was Alpha's Outreach to Business.
  24. The convention's theme was Alphas in Government: Planning for the Future of Our Children. The speaker was UN Ambassador Andrew Young.
  25. The convention's theme was Saluting the Past – Securing the Future (The Agenda for the '80s). Its speakers were Christopher Edley Jr., Vernon Jordan, Maynard Jackson, and Ernest Morial.
  26. The convention's peakers included Jesse Jackson and John E. Jacob.
  27. The convention's speakers included Senator Edward Brooke.
  28. This was the National Alpha Scholarship Forum with speakers Edward Brooke and Horace Dawson.
  29. The speaker for this convention was James A. Joseph.
  30. This included an Economics Empowerment Seminar.
  31. This was an Economic Development Conference.
  32. This was a Constitutional Convention.
  33. This was the Centennial Convention. Its speakers were Hugh B. Price, Andrew Young, Lou Gossett Jr., and Bill Pinkney.
  34. The convention's theme was A Global Vision for Brotherhood: Gateway to the Dream.
  35. The convention's theme was Few in Number, Mighty in Power, Influence in Service.
  36. the convention's theme was Focused on the Future: Investing in our Community, Health, Wealth and Self.
  37. The convention's theme was The Urgency of Now.
  38. The convention's theme was Alpha Advocacy in Action: Silence Is Not An Option.
  39. The convention's theme was Elevating the Alpha Spirit: Men of Distinction Impacting Our Communities.
  40. The convention's theme was Theme: Strengthening the Brotherhood and Standing for Social Justice.


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