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In Ireland, Counties are divided into civil parishes which are sub-divided into townlands. The following is a list of civil parishes in County Down, Northern Ireland:[1][2]
Ballee, Ballyculter, Ballykinler, Ballyphilip, Ballytrustan, Ballywalter, Bangor, Blaris, Bright
Donaghadee, Donaghcloney, Donaghmore, Down, Dromara, Dromore, Drumballyroney, Drumbeg, Drumbo, Drumgath, Drumgooland, Dundonald, Dunsfort
Kilbroney, Kilclief, Kilcoo, Kilkeel, Killaney, Killinchy, Killyleagh, Kilmegan, Kilmood, Kilmore, Knockbreda
St. Andrews (alias Ballyhalbert), Saintfield, Saul, Seapatrick, Shankill, Slanes
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