From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
楽 (Kangxi radical 75, 木+9, 13 strokes, cangjie input 戈人木 (IOD) or 難戈人木 (XIOD), four-corner 32904, composition ⿱⿻白⿱丷八木)
Unorthodox variant simplified from 樂 (𢆶 (yōu) → ⿱丷八) found in the Ming dynasty orthographic dictionary 《字學三正》. Also found in 《宋元以來俗字譜》, a variant forms dictionary compiled in 1930 that records unorthodox forms (俗字 (súzì)) that have existed since the Song dynasty.
For pronunciation and definitions of 楽 – see 樂 (“music; tune; melody; song; to play music; to sing; etc.”). (This character is a variant form of 樂). |
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