non-fungible token (plural non-fungible tokens)
- A cryptocurrency token that records ownership of something.
- Synonym: NFT
- Coordinate term: fungible token
2020 October 9, Jamiel Sheikh, Mastering Corda, O'Reilly Media, →ISBN, page 298:How do you know if you need a fungible or non-fungible token for your use case?
cryptocurrency token
- Catalan: criptovalor no fungible m
- Chinese:
- Mandarin: please add this translation if you can
- Finnish: digitaalinen hallintatodistus, yksilöllinen rahake, vaihtokelvoton rahake, ei-vaihtokelpoinen rahake, NFT (fi)
- French: jeton non fongible (fr) m
- German: no equivalent term in German, but see nicht ersetzbares digital geschütztes Objekt n
- Japanese: ノンファンジブルトークン (nonfanjiburutōkun)
- Romanian: no attested term in Romanian, but see "jeton nefungibil" n
- Russian: «невзаимозаменя́емый то́кен» m («nevzaimozamenjájemyj tóken»), «уника́льный то́кен» m («unikálʹnyj tóken»)
- Turkish: değiştirilemez jeton