Abdullah I bin Al-Hussein was the ruler of Jordan from 11 April 1921 until his assassination in 1951. He was the Emir of Transjordan, a British protectorate, until 25 May 1946, after which he was king of an independent Jordan. As a member of the Hashemite dynasty, the royal family of Jordan since 1921, Abdullah was a 38th-generation direct descendant of Muhammad.
1376 AbdullahI Al-Sabah (1740–1814) Abdullah bin Saud, leader of the House of Saud from 1814 to 1818 AbdullahIofJordan (1882–1951), emir of Transjordan
Empty Quarter: “Only twenty-eight days more, I go to fucking India. Plenty jig-jig. No more whanimidi!” Abdullah gestured with his hands to signify masturbation
Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein [Arabic: عبد الله الثاني بن الحسين, ʿAbdullāh aṯ-ṯānī ibn Al-Ḥusayn] (born 30 January 1962) has been the King ofJordan since
Abdullah Ensour (Arabic:عبد الله النسور; born January 20, 1939) is a Jordanian Economist who is the current Prime Minister ofJordan, since October 2012
Rania Al-Abdullah (Arabic: رانيا العبدالله; born Rania Al-Yassin on August 31, 1970) is the queen consort of King Abdullah II, the king ofJordan. Islam
clothed. There was no man of them but he returned with one or two camels; they were clothed and ate to their fill. Narrated by Abdullah ibn Umar(A.s) Sunan