Web 3.0
De Wiktionnaire, le dictionnaire libre
De Wiktionnaire, le dictionnaire libre
Nom commun |
Web 3.0 \wɛb tʁwa.pwɛ̃.ze.ʁo\ |
Web 3.0 \wɛb tʁwa.pwɛ̃.ze.ʁo\ masculin invariable
Nom commun |
Web 3.0 \wɛb θɹiː.pɔjnt.əw\ |
Web 3.0 \wɛb θɹiː.pɔjnt.əw\ invariable
Shortly afterwards, Telegram founder Pavel Durov explained that he had been impressed by a quarter-million-dollar domain sale by the TON blockchain domain project, and wrote, "Let's see if we can add a little bit of Web 3.0 to Telegram in the coming weeks."— (Molly White, Telegram repossesses usernames so they can sell them as NFTs sur web3isgoinggreat.com. Mis en ligne le 5 novembre 2022)
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