From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In Nasjonaal Olympysk Komitee (NOK) is in organisaasje dy't de belangen fan yndividuele lannen yn it Ynternasjonaal Olympysk Komitee (YOK) behertiget, de "Olympyske Beweging" yn het oangeande lân fertsjintwurdiget en it Olympyske team gearstald dat oan de Olympyske Spullen meidocht. Yn binne yn de measte lannen it NOK gearfûge mei it Nasjonaal Paralympysk komitee en dermei ek it Paralympyske team gearstald dat oan de Paralympyske Spullen meidocht, dizze geafoegingen begûnen yn de 1980-er jierren. De 205 NOK's binne fertsjinwurige yn de Assosjaasje fan Nasjonale Olympyske Komitee (ANOK) dy't yn fiif Kontinentale organisaasjes ûnderferdield is. De ANOK komt eltse twa jier byinoar.
Kontinint | Assosjaasje | NOKs | âldste NOK | Jongste NOK | |
Afrika | Association of National Olympic Committees of Africa | 53 | Egypte (1910) | Eritrea (1999) | |
Amearika | Pan American Sports Organization | 40 | Feriene Steaten (1894) | Dominika (1993) Sint Kits en Nevis (1993) Sint Lusia (1993) | |
Aazje | Olympic Council of Asia | 44 | Japan (1912) | East Timor (2003) | |
Europa | European Olympic Committees | 49 | Frankryk (1894) | Montenegro (2007) | |
Oseaanje | Oceania National Olympic Committees | 17 | Austraalje (1895) | Tûvalû (2007) |
Dit is in list mei Nasjonaal Olympysk Komitees. Register: A - B - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - R - S - T - U - V - W - Y
Lân | YOK-koade | Namme fan it NOK | Oprjochting | Lid YOK |
A | ||||
Afganistan | AFG | Afghanistan National Olympic Committee | 1935 | 1936 |
Albaanje | ALB | Komiteti Olimpik Kombetar Shqiptar | 1958 | 1959 |
Algerije | ALG | Comité Olympique Algérien | 1963 | 1964 |
Amerikaanske Famme-eilannen | ISV | Virgin Islands Olympic Committee | 1967 | 1967 |
Amerikaansk Samoa | ASA | American Samoa National Olympic Committee | 1987 | 1987 |
Andora | AND | Comitè Olímpic Andorrà | 1971 | 1975 |
Angoala | ANG | Comité Olímpico Angolano | 1979 | 1980 |
Antigua en Barbûda | ANT | The Antigua and Barbuda Olympic Association | 1966 | 1976 |
Argentynje | ARG | Comité Olímpico Argentino | 1923 | 1923 |
Armeenje | ARM | National Olympic Committee of Armenia | 1990 | 1993 |
Arûba | ARU | Comité Olímpico Arubano] | 1985 | 1986 |
Austraalje | AUS | Australian Olympic Committee | 1895 | 1895 |
Azerbeidzjan | AZE | National Olympic Committee of the Azerbaijani Republic | 1992 | 1993 |
B | ||||
Bahama's | BAH | Bahamas Olympic Association | 1952 | 1952 |
Banglades | BAN | Bangladesh Olympic Association | 1979 | 1980 |
Barbados | BAR | The Barbados Olympic Association Incorporated | 1955 | 1955 |
Belgje | BEL | Belgisch Olympisch en Interfederaal Comité | 1906 | 1906 |
Belize | BIZ | Belize Olympic and Commonwealth Games Association | 1967 | 1967 |
Benyn | BEN | Comité National Olympique et Sportif Béninois | 1962 | 1962 |
Bermûda | BER | Bermuda Olympic Association | 1935 | 1936 |
Bûtan | BHU | Bhutan Olympic Committee | 1983 | 1983 |
Bolivia | BOL | Comité Olímpico Boliviano | 1932 | 1936 |
Bosnje en Herzegovina | BIH | Olimpijski Komitet Bosne i Hercegovine | 1992 | 1993 |
Botswana | BOT | Botswana National Olympic Committee | 1978 | 1980 |
Brazylje | BRA | Comitê Olímpico Brasileiro | 1914 | 1914 |
Britske Famme-eilannen | IVB | Virgin Islands Olympic Committee | 1967 | 1967 |
Brûnei | BRU | Brunei Darussalam National Olympic Council | 1984 | 1984 |
Bulgarije | BUL | Bulgarian Olympic Committee | 1923 | 1924 |
Boerkina Faso | BUR | Comité National Olympique et des Sports Burkinabè | 1965 | 1972 |
Boerûndy | BDI | Comité National Olympique du Burundi | 1990 | 1993 |
C | ||||
Cookeilannen | COK | Cook Islands Sports and National Olympic Committee | 1986 | 1986 |
D | ||||
De Barein | BRN | Bahrain Olympic Committee | 1978 | 1979 |
De Kaaimaneilannen | CAY | Cayman Islands Olympic Committee | 1973 | 1976 |
Denemark | DEN | Danske Idrætts Førbund - Olympisk Komite | 1905 | 1905 |
Dzjibûty | DJI | Comité Olympique Djiboutien | 1983 | 1984 |
Dominika | DMA | Dominica Olympic Committee | 1987 | 1993 |
Dominikaanske Republyk | DOM | Comité Olimpico Dominicano | 1946 | 1962 |
Dútslân | GER | Deutscher Olympischer Sportbund | 1895 | 1895 |
E | ||||
Eastenryk | AUT | Österreichisches Olympisches Comité | 1908 | 1912 |
East Timor | TLS | Comité Olímpico Nacional de Timor-Leste | 2003 | 2003 |
Ekwador | ECU | Comité Olímpico Ecuatoriano | 1946 | 1962 |
Egypte | EGY | Egyptian Olympic Committee | 1910 | 1910 |
El Salvador | ESA | Comité Olímpico de El Salvador | 1949 | 1962 |
Ekwatoriaal-Guinee | GEQ | Comité National Olympique Equato-Guinéen | 1980 | 1984 |
Eritrea | ERI | Eritrean National Olympic Committee | 1996 | 1999 |
Estlân | EST | Eesti Olümpiakomitee | 1923 | 1924 |
Etioopje | ETH | Ethiopian Olympic Committee | 1948 | 1954 |
F | ||||
Fidzjy | FIJ | Fiji Association of Sports and National Olympic Committee | 1949 | 1955 |
Filipinen | PHI | Philippine Olympic Committee | 1911 | 1929 |
Finlân | FIN | Suomen Olympiakomitea | 1907 | 1907 |
Frankryk | FRA | Comité National Olympique et Sportif Français | 1894 | 1894 |
Fanuatû | VAN | Vanuatu National Olympic Committee | 1987 | 1987 |
Fenezuëla | VEN | Comité Olímpico Venezolano | 1935 | 1935 |
Feriene Arabyske Emiraten | UAE | United Arab Emirates National Olympic Committee | 1979 | 1980 |
Feriene Steaten | USA | United States Olympic Committee | 1894 | 1894 |
Fietnam | VIE | Uỷ ban Olympic Việt Nam | 1951 | 1951 |
G | ||||
Gabon | GAB | Comité Olympique Gabonais | 1965 | 1968 |
Gambia | GAM | Gambia National Olympic Committee | 1972 | 1976 |
Geörgje | GEO | Georgian National Olympic Committee | 1989 | 1993 |
Gana | GHA | Ghana Olympic Committee | 1952 | 1952 |
Grenada | GRN | The Grenada Olympic Committee | 1984 | 1984 |
Grikelân | GRE | Comité Olympique Hellénique | 1894 | 1895 |
Grut Brittanje | GBR | British Olympic Association | 1905 | 1905 |
Guam | GUM | Guam National Olympic Committee | 1976 | 1986 |
Gûatemala | GUA | Comité Olímpico Guatemalteco | 1947 | 1947 |
Guinee | GUI | Comité National Olympique et Sportif Guinéen | 1964 | 1965 |
Guinee-Bissau | GBS | Comité Olímpico da Guiné-Bissau | 1992 | 1995 |
Guyana | GUY | Guyana Olympic Association | 1935 | 1948 |
H | ||||
Haïty | HAI | Comité Olympique Haïtien | 1914 | 1924 |
Hongarije | HUN | Magyar Olimpiai Bizottság | 1895 | 1895 |
Hong-Kong | HKG | Sports Federation and Olympic Committee of Hong Kong China | 1950 | 1951 |
I | ||||
Ierlân | IRL | Olympic Council of Ireland | 1922 | 1922 |
Yslân | ISL | Íþrótta- og Ólympíusamband Íslands | 1921 | 1935 |
Yndia | IND | Indian Olympic Association | 1927 | 1927 |
Yndoneezje | INA | Komite Olahraga Nasional Indonesia | 1946 | 1952 |
Irak | IRQ | National Olympic Committee of Iraq | 1948 | 1948 |
Iran | IRI | National Olympic Committee of the Islamic Republic of Iran | 1947 | 1947 |
Israel | ISR | Olympic Committee of Israel | 1933 | 1952 |
Itaalje | ITA | Comitato Olimpico Nazionale Italiano | 1908 | 1915 |
Ivoarkust | CIV | Comité National Olympique de Côte d'Ivoire | 1962 | 1963 |
J | ||||
Jamaika | JAM | Jamaica Olympic Association | 1936 | 1936 |
Japan | JPN | Japanese Olympic Committee | 1911 | 1912 |
Jemen | YEM | Yemen Olympic Committee | 1971 | 1981 |
Jordaanje | JOR | Jordan Olympic Committee | 1957 | 1963 |
K | ||||
Kambodja | CAM | National Olympic Committee of Cambodia | 1983 | 1994 |
Kanada | CAN | Canadian Olympic Committee | 1904 | 1907 |
Katar | QAT | Qatar National Olympic Committee | 1979 | 198 |
Kolombia | COL | Comité Olimpico Colombiano | 1936 | 1939 |
Komoaren | COM | Comité Olympique et Sportif des Iles Comores | 1979 | 1993 |
Kongo-Brazzaville | CGO | Comité National Olympique et Sportif Congolais | 1964 | 1964 |
Kongo-Kinshasa | COD | Comité Olympique Congolais | 1963 | 1968 |
Kosta Rika | CRC | Comité Olimpico de Costa Rica | 1953 | 1954 |
Kuba | CUB | Comité Olímpico Cubano | 1937 | 1954 |
Kaapverdje | CPV | Comité Olímpico Caboverdeano | 1989 | 1993 |
Kameroen | CMR | Comité National Olympique et Sportif du Cameroun | 1963 | 1963 |
Kazakstan | KAZ | National Olympic Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan | 1990 | 1993 |
Kenia | KEN | National Olympic Committee Kenya | 1955 | 1955 |
Kirgyzje | KGZ | National Olympic Committee of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan | 1991 | 1993 |
Kiribaty | KIR | Kiribati National Olympic Committee | 2002 | 2003 |
Koeweit | KUW | Kuwait Olympic Committee | 1957 | 1966 |
Kroaasje | CRO | Hrvatski olimpijski odbor | 1991 | 1993 |
L | ||||
Laos | LAO | National Olympic Committee of Lao | 1975 | 1979 |
Lesoto | LES | Lesotho National Olympic Committee | 1971 | 1972 |
Litouwen | LAT | Latvijas Olimpiskās komitejas ziņas | 1922 | 1923 |
Libanon | LIB | Lebanese Olympic Committee | 1947 | 1948 |
Libearia | LBR | Liberia National Olympic Committee | 1954 | 1955 |
Lybje | LBA | Libyan Olympic Committee | 1962 | 1963 |
Lychtenstein | LIE | Liechtensteinischer Olympischer Sportverband | 1935 | 1935 |
Litouwen | LTU | Litauisches Nationales Olympisches Komitee | 1922 | 1923 |
Lúksemboarch | LUX | Comité Olympique et Sportif Luxembourgeois | 1912 | 1912 |
M | ||||
Masedoanje | MKD | Makedonski Olimpiski Komitet | 1992 | 1993 |
Madagaskar | MAD | Comité Olympique Malgache | 1963 | 1964 |
Malawy | MAW | Olympic and Commonwealth Games Association of Malawi | 1968 | 1968 |
Maldiven | MDV | Maldives Olympic Committee | 1985 | 1985 |
{Maleizje | MAS | Olympic Council of Malaysia | 1953 | 1954 |
Maly | MLI | Comité National Olympique et Sportif du Mali | 1962 | 1963 |
Malta | MLT | [Malta Olympic Committee | 1928 | 1936 |
Marokko | MAR | Comité Olympique Marocain | 1959 | 1959 |
Marshalleilannen | MHL | Marshall Islands National Olympic Committee | 2001 | 2006 |
Mauritaanje | MTN | Comité Olympique Mauritanien | 1962 | 1979 |
Mauritsius | MRI | Mauritius Olympic Committee | 1971 | 1972 |
Meksiko | MEX | Comité Olímpico Mexicano | 1923 | 1923 |
Mikroneezje | FSM | Federated States of Micronesia National Olympic Committee | 1995 | 1997 |
Moldaavje | MDA | Comité National Olympique de la République de Moldova | 1991 | 1993 |
Monako | MON | Comité Olympique Monégasque | 1907 | 1953 |
Mongoalje | MGL | [National Olympic Committee of Mongolia | 1956 | 1962 |
Montenegro | MNE | Crnogorski Olimijski Komitet | 2006 | 2007 |
Mozambyk | MOZ | Comité Olimpico Nacional de Moçambique | 1979 | 1979 |
Myanmar | MYA | Myanmar Olympic Committee | 1947 | 1947 |
N | ||||
Namybje | NAM | [amibisches Nationales Olympisches Komitee | 1990 | 1991 |
Naurû | NRU | Nauru National Olympic Committee | 1991 | 1994 |
Nederlân | NED | Nederlands Olympisch Comité*Nederlandse Sport Federatie | 1912 | 1912 |
Nepal | NEP | Nepal Olympic Committee | 1962 | 1963 |
Nikaragûa | NCA | Comité Olímpico Nicaragüense | 1959 | 1959 |
Nij-Seelân | NZL | New Zealand Olympic Committee | 1911 | 1920 |
Niger | NIG | Comité Olympique et Sportif National du Nigér | 1964 | 1964 |
Nigearia | NGR | Nigeria Olympic Committee | 1951 | 1951 |
Noard-Korea | PRK | Olympic Committee of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea | 1953 | 1957 |
Noarwegen | NOR | Norges Idrettsforbund og Olympiske Komité | 1900 | 1900 |
O | ||||
Oekraïne | UKR | National Olympic Committee of Ukraine | 1990 | 1993 |
Oezbekistan | UZB | National Olympic Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan | 1992 | 1993 |
Oman | OMA | Oman Olympic Committee | 1982 | 1982 |
P | ||||
Pakistan | PAK | Pakistan Olympic Association | 1948 | 1948 |
Palau | PLW | Palau National Olympic Committee | 1997 | 1999 |
Palestina | PLE | Palestine Olympic Committee | 1995 | 1995 |
Panama | PAN | Comité Olímpico de Panamá | 1934 | 1947 |
Papoea Nij-Guinea | PNG | Papua New Guinea Olympic Committee | 1973 | 1974 |
Paraguay | PAR | Comité Olímpico Paraguayo | 1970 | 1970 |
Perû | PER | Comité Olímpico Peruano | 1924 | 1936 |
Poalen | POL | Polski Komitet Olimpijski | 1918 | 1919 |
Portegal | POR | Comité Olímpico de Portugal | 1909 | 1909 |
Puerto Riko | PUR | Comité Olímpico de Puerto Rico | 1948 | 1948 |
R | ||||
Roemeenje | ROM | Comitetul Olimpic si Sportiv Roman | 1914 | 1914 |
Ruslân | RUS | Russian Olympic Committee | 1911 | 1912 |
Rûanda | RWA | Comité National Olympique et Sportif du Rwanda | 1984 | 1984 |
S | ||||
Sintraal-Afrikaanske Republyk | CAF | Comité National Olympique et Sportif Centrafricain | 1964 | 1965 |
Sily | CHI | Comité Olímpico de Chile | 1934 | 1934 |
Sina | CHN | Chinese Olympic Committee | 1910 | 1922 |
Sineesk Taipei | TPE | Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee | 1960 | 1960 |
Syprus | CYP | The Cyprus National Olympic Committee | 1974 | 1978 |
Sint Kits en Nevis | SKN | St. Kitts and Nevis Olympic Association | 1986 | 1993 |
Sint Lusia | LCA | St Lucia Olympic Committee | 1987 | 1993 |
{Sint Vincent en de Grenadinen | VIN | The St Vincent and the Grenadines National Olympic Committee | 1982 | 1987 |
Salomonseilannen | SOL | National Olympic Committee of Solomon Islands | 1983 | 1983 |
Samoa | SAM | Samoa Association of Sports and National Olympic Committee | 1983 | 1983 |
San Marino | SMR | Comitato Olimpico Nazionale Sammarinese | 1959 | 1959 |
Sao Tomee en Prinsyp | STP | Comité Olímpico de São Tomé e Príncipe | 1979 | 1993 |
Saûdy-Araabje | KSA | Saudi Arabian Olympic Committee | 1964 | 1965 |
Senegal | SEN | Comité National Olympique et Sportif Sénégalais | 1961 | 1963 |
Servje | SRB | Olympic Committee of Serbia | 1910 | 1912 |
Seysjellen | SEY | Seychelles National Olympic Committee | 1979 | 1979 |
Sierra Leöane | SLE | National Olympic Committee of Sierra Leone | 1964 | 1964 |
Singapore | SIN | Singapore National Olympic Council | 1947 | 1948 |
Sloveenje | SLO | Olimpijski komite Slovenije | 1991 | 1993 |
Slowakije | SVK | Slovenský olympijský výbor | 1939 | 1993 |
Sûdan | SUD | Sudan Olympic Committee | 1956 | 1959 |
Somaalje | SOM | Somali Olympic Committee | 1959 | 1972 |
Spanje | ESP | Comité Olímpico Español | 1924 | 1924 |
Sry Lanka | SRI | National Olympic Committee of Sri Lanka | 1937 | 1937 |
Suriname | SUR | Surinaams Olympisch Comité | 1959 | 1959 |
Swazilân | SWZ | Swaziland Olympic and Commonwealth Games Association | 1971 | 1972 |
Syrje | SYR | Syrian Olympic Committee | 1948 | 1948 |
Sambia | ZAM | National Olympic Committee of Zambia | 1964 | 1964 |
Simbabwe | ZIM | Zimbabwe Olympic Committee | 1934 | 1959 |
Súd-Afrika | RSA | South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee | 1912 | 1912 |
Súd-Korea | KOR | Korean Olympic Committee | 1946 | 1947 |
Sweden | SWE | Sveriges Olympiska Kommitté | 1913 | 1913 |
Switserlân | SUI | Swiss Olympic Association | 1912 | 1912 |
T | ||||
Tadzjikistan | TJK | National Olympic Committee of the Republic of Tajikistan | 1992 | 1993 |
Tanzania | TAN | Tanzania Olympic Committee | 1968 | 1968 |
Tailân | THA | Olympic Committee of Thailand | 1948 | 1950 |
Togo | TOG | Comité National Olympique Togolais | 1963 | 1965 |
Tonga | TGA | Tonga Sports Association and National Olympic Committee | 1963 | 1984 |
Trinidad en Tobago | TRI | Trinidad and Tobago Olympic Committee | 1946 | 1948 |
Tsjaad | CHA | Comité Olympique et Sportif Tchadien | 1963 | 1964 |
Tsjechje | CZE | [Českého olympijského výboru | 1899 | 1899 |
Tuneezje | TUN | Comité National Olympique Tunisien | 1957 | 1957 |
Turkije | TUR | Türkiye Milli Olimpiyat Komitesi | 1908 | 1911 |
Turkmenistan | TKM | National Olympic Committee of Turkmenistan | 1990 | 1993 |
Tûvalû | TUV | Tuvalu Association of Sports and National Olympic Committee | 2004 | 2007 |
U | ||||
Uganda | UGA | Uganda Olympic Committee | 1950 | 1956 |
Urûguay | URU | Comité Olímpico Uruguayo | 1923 | 1923 |
W | ||||
Wyt-Ruslân | BLR | National Olympic Committee of the Republic of Belarus | 1991 | 1993 |
Lân | YOK-koade | Namme fan it NOK | Oprjochting | Opheffing |
Nederlânske Antillen | AHO | Nederlands Antilliaans Olympisch Comité | 1931 | 2010 |
East-Dútslân | GDR | Nationales Olympisches Komitee für Ostdeutschland] | 1951 | 1990 |
Joegoslaavje | YUG | Yugoslav Olympic Committee | 1919 | 2003 |
Saarlân | SAA | Nationales Olympisches Komitee des Saarlandes | 1950 | 1957 |
Servje en Montenegro | SCG | Olympic Committee of Serbia and Montenegro | 2003 | 2006 |
Sowjetuny | URS | USSR Olympic Committee | 1951 | 1992 |
Tsjechoslowakije | TCH | Československý Olympijský Výbor | 1919 | 1993 |
Feriene Arabyske Republyk | RAU | United Arab Republic National Olympic Committee | 1958 | 1972 |
Britsk West Ynje | BWI | West India Islands National Olympic Committee | 1958 | 1962 |
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