Yn Vooir Loghlynagh

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Yn Vooir Loghlynagh

Ta'n Vooir Loghlynagh (Norlynnish: Norskehavet, Baarle: Norwegian Sea) ny cooid jeh'n Cheayn Sheear hwoaie, as t'ee soit çheu hwoaie veih Norlynn, eddyr Mooir Hostyn as Mooir Ghreenlynn.

More information Eaghtyr y vaare:, Thummid: ...
Yn Vooir Loghlynagh
Norskehavet (no)

69°00 Hwoaie 0°01 Hiar

Eaghtyr y vaare: 1,380,000 km²
Thummid: 2,400,000 km³
Mean-diunid: 1,600—1,750 m
Boayl s'diuney: 3,970 m
Sailjys yn ushtey: 35/1000

T'ee lhiattaghey Keyllys ny Danvarg da'n sheear as Mooir Varents da'n shiar hwoaie. Ayns y sheear yiass t'ee scarrit veih'n Cheayn Sheear rish drommey fo-vooir ta soit eddyr yn Eeslynn as Ellanyn ny Geyrragh. Da'n twoaie ta drommey Jan Mayen scarrey ee veih'n Vooir Arctagh.

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