Elements of the Geometry and Topology of Minimal Surfaces in Three-dimensionalSpace By A. T. Fomenko, A. A. Tuzhilin Contributor A. A. Tuzhilin Published
Friedrichs, Olaf; Huson, Daniel H.; Thurston, William P. (2001), "On three-dimensionalspace groups", Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie, 42 (2): 475–507, ISSN 0138-4821
generates the five regular solids of three-dimensionalspace and the six regular hypersolids of four-dimensionalspace. Hypercube 98 A Windows program that
Billiards, (2001). (Provides ray-traced images of Sinai's billiards in three-dimensionalspace. These images provide a graphic, intuitive demonstration of the