Onye ohi, m'obu ndi ohi, bu nde di nwere ihe onye ozo ta ha mee ya nke wo, n'ajufu onye nwe ihe ahu. Mgbe ufo, ndi ohi di gba ndi madu egbe, buo ha.

More information obere ụdị nke, ederede ntọala ...
property crime
obere ụdị nkecrime, taking Dezie
ederede ntọalaThou shalt not steal Dezie
ngwaahịa ma ọ bụ ihe emepụtaralooted property Dezie
Iwu isi EderedeCriminal Code of Indonesia, Criminal Code of Belarus, Criminal Code of Russia, Criminal Code of Ukraine Dezie
ndị n'eme yathief Dezie
handled, mitigated, or managed byanti-theft system Dezie
Paul-Charles Chocarne-Moreau, The Cunning Thief, 1931

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