El haham Marc D. Angel (nasido en el anyo 1945) es el rabino de Congregation Shearith Israel, un kal sefaradi de tradision Espanyola i Portugeza en la sivdad de Mueva York. El sinyor Angel hue nasido en la komunidad sefaradi de la sivdad de Seattle, i los sus ansestros son sefaradim de la Turkiya i de la izla de Rodes; el kresio avlando djudeo-espanyol en la su kaza. El haham Marc estudio en la Yeshiva University, ande resivió endemas la su semiha i el su doktorado Honoris Causa. Endemas tiene un Master en literatura ingleza del City College of New York. El haham Angel tiene resivido el Bernard Revel Award en Relijion i Edukasion Relijioza. Hue presidente del Konsejo Rabiniko de Amerika i myémbro de la djunta editoriala del djurnal Tradition.

La esnoga Shearit Israel


  • A Sephardic Haggadah: Translation and Commentary (Hoboken, 1988).
  • The Jews of Rhodes, The History of a Sephardic Community (New York, 1978)
  • La America: The Sephardic Experience in the United States (Philadelphia, 1982)
  • The Rhythms of Jewish Living: A Sephardic Approach (New York, 1986)
  • The Orphaned Adult: Confronting the Death of a Parent (1987)
  • Voices in Exile: A Study in Sephardic Intellectual History (1991)
  • The Essential Pele Yoetz: an encyclopedia of ethical Jewish living (1991)
  • Loving Truth and Peace: The Grand Religious Worldview of Rabbi Benzion Uziel (1999)
  • Remnant Of Israel: A Portrait Of America's First Jewish Congregation (2004)
  • Losing the Rat Race, Winning at Life (2005)
  • Choosing to be Jewish: The Orthodox Road to Conversion (2005)
  • The Search Committee: A Novel (2008)
  • "Conversion to Judaism: Halakha, Hashkafa, and Historic Challenge", Hakirah, vol. 8 (Brooklyn, 2008)

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