Criminalisering is het proces waardoor bepaalde gedragingen strafbaar worden, en de daders misdadigers, of minstens overtreders. Handelingen die voordien legaal waren, kunnen strafbaar gesteld worden door wetgeving of rechterlijke beslissingen. Doorgaans wordt echter aangenomen dat wetgeving en vonnissen geen terugwerkende kracht mogen hebben, tenzij een uitdrukkelijke wettekst dat voorziet.[1]
Het tegendeel van criminalisering is decriminalisering. Handelingen die voordien nog strafbaar worden, zijn na decriminalisering toegestaan. In de 21e eeuw vindt dit principe onder meer toepassing in de pleidooien en maatregelen voor de legalisering van (soft)drugs.
Sanders, Teela,Maggie O'Neill, Jane Pitcher(2009).Prostitution: Sex Work, Policy and Politics. SAGE Publications, Londen,p. 101.ISBN 9781849204361.Geraadpleegd op 23 februari 2021"Decriminalization continues to be at the heart of many sex worker rights organizations."
Carrabine, Eamonn(2020).Criminology: A Sociological Introduction. Routledge, Abingdon,p. 253.ISBN 9781351343824.Geraadpleegd op 23 februari 2021"Sex workers' organisations have been campaigning against neo-abolitionist policies and the criminalisation of commercial sex as detrimental to their lives and working conditions, and advocate for the complete decriminalisation of prostitution (see Plate 12.2) (Macioti and Garofalo Geymonat 2016)."
Tremblay, Francine(2020).Organizing for Sex Workers’ Rights in Montréal: Resistance and Advocacy. Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham ( Maryland),p. 87.ISBN 9781498593908.Gearchiveerd op 17 juni 2023.Geraadpleegd op 23 februari 2021"Sex workers' organizations and their allies favor decriminalization of prostitution because of the harms that stigmatization, discrimination, and criminalization bring to sex workers' lives and work."
Flowers, R. Barri(2011).Prostitution in the Digital Age: Selling Sex from the Suite to the Street. ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara (Californië),p. 49.ISBN 9780313384615.Geraadpleegd op 23 februari 2021"There are some who support Nevada's legal prostitution industry in specific and the legalization or decriminalization of prostitution in general, such as the sex workers rights' organizations, COYOTO (Call Off Your Old Tired Ethics) and PONY (Prostitutes of New York). (...) There appears to be stronger support among prostitutes' rights groups and many self-employed sex workers for decriminalization than legalization of prostitution, as "legalization is understood to mean decriminalization accompanie by strict municipal regulation of prostitution.""
Cruz, Katie(2020).Criminality at Work. Oxford University Press, Oxford,"10. The Work of Sex Work. Prostitution, Unfreedom, and Criminality at Work",192–196.ISBN 9780198836995.Geraadpleegd op 23 februari 2021"The central and uniting demand of the sex worker rights movement around the world is the decriminalization of consensual adult sex work. (...) Sex worker rights activists and their allies are united on the need for decriminalization of prostitution-related activities."
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