Template:On this day/28 Dizember

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28 December:


  • 169 BC The menorah is lit tae rededicate the Haly Temple o Jerusalem efter twa centuries o furrin rule an releegious oppression an a seiven-year revolt. The menorah birns for aicht days withoot the suffeecient fuel needit tae dae sae, birthin the haliday Hanukkah.
  • 1065 Edward the Confessor's Romanesque monastic kirk at Wastmeenster Aibey (picturt) is consecratit.
  • 1836 Sooth Australie an Adelaide are foondit.
  • 1879 Tay Brig disaster: The central pairt o the Tay Rail Brig in Dundee, Scotland, Unitit Kinrick collapses as a train passes ower it, killin 75.
  • 1895 Wilhelm Röntgen publishes a paper detailin his diskivery o a new teep o radiation, that later will be kent as x-rays.

Woodrow Wilson (b. 1856) · Denzel Washington (b. 1954) · Liu Xiaobo (b. 1955)

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