state or event of not meeting a desired or intended objective From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A failure (fail, or flop) is where a goal or mission is not completed. It can mean the opposite of success.
Commercial failure
A commercial failure is a product that does not complete a goal.
Most of the items listed below had high expectations, but failed to be successful.
- For flops in computer and video games, see List of commercial failures in computer and video gaming
- For company failures of the 1997–2001 Dot-com bubble, see Dot-com company
- See also Vaporware
- Box-office bomb
Product failure
Product failure can be the failure to sell the product, or a problem with the product that may stop it from working after a while, or lead to the person using the product hurting themselves. The Edsel, a brand from Ford that was marketed in the late 50’s is one of the best known product failures and became closely associated with them.
People who take tests or examinations will pass the test if they are successful. If they are unsuccessful they "fail" the test.
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