mechanisms whereby supply and demand confront each other and deals are made, involving places, processes and institutions in which exchanges occur (for physical venues, use Q132510 or Q330284) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A market is a place where people go to buy or sell things. When people have products to sell, they set up a market place. There may be a special building for the market place, or the market may be held in an open space where the sellers can put up a stall (like a kind of tent) and then take the stall down at the end of the day.
The word "market" can also have a more general meaning in the economy. It can mean the way things are bought or sold. "There is a big market for dishwashers" means that lots of people want to buy dishwashers. Therefore, a business that makes dishwashers is likely to be able to make a lot of money. When things are sold, people buy the product, and this "stimulates the economy" (helps people to spend and earn money). The market needs to balance supply and demand. There is no reason to make a supply of dishwashers if people do not want dishwashers. In the market, prices may change quickly if supply or demand changes.
If a seller of a good cannot supply what customers want or asks for a very high price, other sellers may try to supply that good. If other sellers enter the market for that good, in competition, that will tend to fulfill demands and lower prices. Sellers who do not like competition may try to kill their competition. When there is no competition, a monopoly is formed. Many countries have laws to protect the free market from monopolies.
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