Musi weChisi zvinoreva zuva rakatarwa patsika dzevanhu vari mudunhu kuti vanhu vasashanda pazuva irori. Kana kuri kumaruwa vanhu havatenderwi kupinda mumunda kuri vashande pazuva iri. Kune mamwe matunhu vanhu havatenderwe kunge vachipinda mumabindu kuti vashande, asi kune mamwe matunhu vanotenderwa kushanda mumabindu anorimwa muriwo. Vamwe vatauri vanoti mahakurimwe.

Kumatunhu mazhinji musi wechisi unenge uri musi wechishanu.

Mitauro yeAfrika

  • VaLunda vanoti chisi (country, region, land, district, village and its neighbourhood). VaGulu vanoti isi kana ziisi (n. the land; lands). VaRwanda inoti isi (world, earth).
  • VaTonga vanoti cisi (land, country, place, nation). Giryama vanoti tsi (land). VaKongo inoti musi (n. land). Ewondo vanoti si (n. earth) kureva pasi.
  • Lenje inoti chisi, nshi, nsi (country, land, region, district, ground underfoot) kureva pasi kana pavhu. Sangho inoti sêse (n. ground, country, earth).
  • VaWanga vanoti eshise (rest hour) kureva nguva yekuzorora. VaFwe vanoti cishi cangu (my country) kureva nyika yangu.

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