5516)中關於JTIDS(英语:JointTacticalInformationDistributionSystem)/MIDS(英语:Multifunctional InformationDistributionSystem)的数字服务之一。 Link 16由美国国防部定義為MIL-STD-6016。
TADIL-C/Link 4 Army tactical data link 1 (ATDL-1) Interim JTIDS message specification (IJMS) TADIL-J:由美國海軍使用。(北約稱為Link 16) Patriot digital information link (PADIL)
SINCGARS(英语:SINCGARS) 联合战术信息分配系统(英语:JointTacticalInformationDistributionSystem),JTIDS 联合数据网(英语:JNaval Tactical Data System),JDN 联合数据网(英语:Joint Data Network),JDN Link
equipment. This organization formed the nucleus of what became a tactical air control system for a vast fleet of South Vietnamese and American aircraft. During