
二進制的數轉換到八進制的數,可以將3個連續的數字拼成1組,再獨立轉成八進制的數字。例如十進制的74即二進制的1001010,3個1組變成1 001 010,再變成八進制中的112。






Prime factors of the base: 2, 5
Prime factors of one below the base: 3
Prime factors of one above the base: 11
Other Prime factors: 7 13 17 19 23 29 31
Prime factors of the base: 2
Prime factors of one below the base: 7
Prime factors of one above the base: 3
Other Prime factors: 5 13 15 21 23 27 35 37
分數 分母 對比 對比 分母 分數
1/2 2 0.5 0.4 2 1/2
1/3 3 0.3333... = 0.3 0.2525... = 0.25 3 1/3
1/4 2 0.25 0.2 2 1/4
1/5 5 0.2 0.1463 5 1/5
1/6 2, 3 0.16 0.125 2, 3 1/6
1/7 7 0.142857 0.1 7 1/7
1/8 2 0.125 0.1 2 1/10
1/9 3 0.1 0.07 3 1/11
1/10 2, 5 0.1 0.06314 2, 5 1/12
1/11 11 0.09 0.0564272135 13 1/13
1/12 2, 3 0.083 0.052 2, 3 1/14
1/13 13 0.076923 0.0473 15 1/15
1/14 2, 7 0.0714285 0.04 2, 7 1/16
1/15 3, 5 0.06 0.0421 3, 5 1/17
1/16 2 0.0625 0.04 2 1/20
1/17 17 0.0588235294117647 0.03607417 21 1/21
1/18 2, 3 0.05 0.034 2, 3 1/22
1/19 19 0.052631578947368421 0.032745 23 1/23
1/20 2, 5 0.05 0.03146 2, 5 1/24
1/21 3, 7 0.047619 0.03 3, 7 1/25
1/22 2, 11 0.045 0.02721350564 2, 13 1/26
1/23 23 0.0434782608695652173913 0.02620544131 27 1/27
1/24 2, 3 0.0416 0.025 2, 3 1/30
1/25 5 0.04 0.02436560507534121727 5 1/31
1/26 2, 13 0.0384615 0.02354 2, 15 1/32
1/27 3 0.037 0.022755 3 1/33
1/28 2, 7 0.03571428 0.02 2, 7 1/34
1/29 29 0.0344827586206896551724137931 0.0215173454106475626043236713 35 1/35
1/30 2, 3, 5 0.03 0.02104 2, 3, 5 1/36
1/31 31 0.032258064516129 0.02041 37 1/37
1/32 2 0.03125 0.02 2 1/40



More information 數字, 對比 ...
數字 對比
十進制 八進制
2 1.414213562373095048... 1.3240 4746 3177 1674...
3 1.732050807568877293... 1.5666 3656 4130 2312...
5 2.236067977499789696... 2.1706 7363 3457 7224...
φ 1.618033988749894848... 1.4743 3571 5627 7512...
π 3.141592653589793238462643
3.1103 7552 4210 2643...
e 2.718281828459045235... 2.5576 0521 3050 5355...

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