場流分離(Field flow fractionation—FFF)為適用於大分子、膠體和微粒的分離技術,使欲分離成份之流液流經上下平板構成扁平帶狀通道,並將一場垂直施加於通道。場將導致不同成分處在距下壁不同的位置上,移動速度因而不同,以達到分離的目的。 場流分離,可將「流」通過不對稱場如電場重力場熱場半透膜。此技術於1966年首先由J. Calvin Giddings提出。[1]

Flow field-flow fractionation (AF4) channel cross section, where the rate of laminar flow within the channel is not uniform. It travels in a parabolic pattern with the speed of the flow, increasing towards the centre of the channel and decreasing towards the sides.




(Flow FFF)

Centrifugal FFF separates by mass (i.e. a combination of particle density and particle size). For example, gold and silver nanoparticles of identical size can be separated into two peaks, according to differences in density of gold and silver.


(electrical FFF) 仰賴垂直於分離(流動)方向上的電場,以間接分離流液。流液因帶電成份荷質比不同,所受的電場作用力即不相同。當微粒所受的電力與擴散力達到平衡時,不同的微粒距離積聚壁有所不同,從而流速不同。粒子的漂移速度取決於其電泳淌度μ。


(Thermal FFF) 如其名,此分離方法透過溫度梯度來驅動物質。通道上壁被加熱,與下壁的溫差可達到凱式溫標四萬度之多。

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