和暗色調兩者著色的混合。將顏色和任何的中性色混合(包括黑,灰和白色)可降低彩度或視彩度,同時色相保持不變。 ColorTheory: An Essential Guide to Color-from Basic Principles to Practical Applications by Patti
page 328. Burwick, Frederick (1986) The Damnation of Newton: Goethe's ColorTheory and Romantic Perception. Walter de Gruyter. ISBN 0-89925-207-9 Page 8
CIE Color Space (Gernot Hoffman) Poynton Color FAQ(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) GSU hyperphysics(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Introduction to Colour Science (Limited theory, but
partnership. London: Thames & Hudson, 1993. Chip, Herschel B. "Orphism and ColorTheory". The Art Bulletin, Vol. 40, No. 1, pp. 55–63, Mar 1958. Damase, Jacque
n , b l u e } {\displaystyle C=\{\mathrm {\color {red}red} ,\mathrm {\color {green}green} ,\mathrm {\color {blue}blue} \}} 的元素为red、green和blue。 符号「∈」表示「是