Events from the year 1774 in Canada.

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Historical documents

Cover letter on British Quebeckers' petition for provincial assembly to make laws that do not risk their success or their children's Protestant education[2]

Cramahé warns Dartmouth of British Quebeckers with "American Ideas in regard to Taxation," saying their "Irregularity" is bad example to Canadians[3]

Quebec Act allows Catholicism and Canadian civil law and rights, establishes legislative council and expands province to include land north of Ohio River[4]

"Can a better legislature be given than that of a governor and council?" - Lord North says Quebec assembly can't be set up as it would have to be Catholic[5]

Former Quebec attorney general thinks temporary, Crown-appointed council with minority of Catholics better than Quebec bill's governor-appointed council[6]

"House of riot" - Quebec chief justice thinks Canadians see no advantage in provincial assembly that would be source of disturbance and obstruction[7]

Against Quebec Act, Chatham says it would lose "hearts of all the Americans" and British Quebeckers would deplore loss of jury trials and habeas corpus[8]

Charles Fox for assembly, which can safely include Canadians, as Catholics have nothing "repugnant in their views to the principles of political freedom"[9]

"The great maxim to be learned from the history of our colonization is—let men manage their own affairs" - MP opposes Quebec spread, other parts of bill[10]

Supporter says Quebec bill adopts "a government suitable to the genius of the people" who were "tractable[,] easily governed [and] happy" under French[11]

"I never yet knew it was found a grievance to any nation, to give them the English laws," which Canadians value, and should be worked into their civil law[12]

"A work of time and difficulty" - Quebec chief justice describes way to mix Canadian and English laws to satisfaction of both, rather than apply former only[13]

Londoners trading to Quebec petition to relieve Quebec merchants by retaining English law (including jury trials) and "grants and commissions" of past[14]

Regarding juries, Gov. Carleton says Canadians think it strange that British prefer trial verdicts of "tailors and shoemakers [and] gentlemen" over judges[15]

Edmund Burke: Quebec border (upper St. Lawrence, lower Great Lakes to Pennsylvania line, south to Ohio River) will divide liberty from French slavery[16]

Anonymous letter circulated among "French or Canadian Inhabitants" supports Quebec Act with answers to objections made by British seeking its repeal[17]

Advocate General says Britain can safely and rightly allow Catholic worship in Quebec, but must ban Catholic doctrine and papal or other foreign control[18]

In Commons, Carleton says Quebec trade (two thirds in Canadian hands) has greatly increased because of "very fast" growth of population and farming[19]

"The body of the people are not at all dissatisfied with the conquest" - Quebec chief justice thinks Canadians enjoy improved cultivation and land value[20]

Carleton says Canadians were told British law would make them happy, but felt mocked when denied civil rights and "places of profit, or trust, or honour"[21]

Gathered in congress, 12 American colonies see Quebec Act erecting "arbitrary government" on their frontiers and inclining its inhabitants to hostility[22]

"These are the rights you are entitled to" - Congress urges Canadians to join it and demand rights of Englishmen to check Quebec Act's arbitrariness[23]

Letter received from Philadelphia congress inviting Quebec merchants to support measures of "southern Colonies" is burned, and aid for Boston blocked[24]

Carleton on Canadians' "Uneasiness" at some British Quebeckers' efforts "to throw this Province into the same Disorders that reign" in other colonies[25]

Petitions for repeal of Quebec Act, with 187 signatures from Montreal and Quebec City, are sent to King, House of Lords and House of Commons[26]

In case situation worsens in Massachusetts, Gen. Gage asks Carleton if and how "Canadians and Indians" could be organized for military service there[27]

"Tuesday Morning last arrived from Boston the Sloop London Expedition, Capt. Chevalier, with 27 Acadiens, come to settle here" in Quebec[28]

Nova Scotia governor on meetings that "greatly tend to disturb the Peace; and to promote[...]public Disorders and the highest Contempt of Government"[29]

As exporting grain and pease "has been the Occasion of great Scarcity," bond and certificate of shipping within Nova Scotia are required through 1775[30]

Military and "wandering" persons without passes, all who even threaten to desert family, and anyone "seriously mad and dangerous" are to be arrested[31]

Scarborough, Yorkshire correspondent says town is full of emigrants, most of whom lack "good fortune[...]and expect to find it in the wilds of Nova Scotia"[32]

Yorkshiremen see Nova Scotia's good crop land, pasture and timber, but settlers too few and "ignorant, indolent, bad managers, and[...]poor" to prosper[33]

Touring farmers find Annapolis Valley's poor, rum-drinking New England settlers are very bad farmers ("strangers to cultivation") missing trade prospects[34]

Nova Scotia women "very industrious house-wives" who on Sundays dress in silk and calico with long ruffles, their hair dressed high, and carrying fans[35]

Halifax workhouse wants adults and children "to pick Oakum or Spin" for "good Victuals & Drink, and a good warm Stove Room to Work and Lodge in"[36]

Elizabeth Fleming, "having perfectly learn'd the art of a Midwife,[...]will readily at any moment wait on Rich or Poor"[37]

Grammar school opened in Halifax to teach Greek, Latin and French, and writing, cyphering and bookkeeping, with hours from 6 to 8, 10 to 12 and 3 to 5[38]

Evening school classes in writing, arithmatic and bookkeeping available to "young Gentlemen Apprentices and others" in Halifax[39]

Halifax woman teaches reading and writing, sewing and knitting, and flowering, marking and mitts knitting in her school, plus she makes hats and dresses[40]

Three-act comedy to run in Halifax that playwright says is entirely fictional, with characters "too outre to be personal on any Persons here or elsewhere"[41]

British frigate orders French frigate off "the fishing banks at Newfoundland," but it refuses and in battle loses its masts and has to strike its colours[42]

George Cartwright gives "a severe beating" to employee lost in woods near his Labrador home, and teaches him "unerring rules" about finding his way[43]

"Collector of North-American Plants" is in Labrador "to make Discoveries in that uncultivated and barren Part of the World, where no Botanist ever was"[44]

"An Act to discontinue[...]landing[...]or shipping of Goods, Wares, and Merchandise at[...]Boston; Whereas dangerous Commotions and Insurrections[....]"[45]

Brief note that 1,000 bushels of grain has arrived at Salem, Massachusetts from Quebec "for the poor at Boston"[46]

Brief obituary for Sir William Johnson, Superintendant of Indian Affairs[47]

Inscription on Wolfe's sarcophagus (removed?) in Westminster Abbey lauds his "surmounting by Ability, and Valour, all obstacles of Art and Nature"[48]


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