Kuze, yew heywano khowiyo.

Pêt Raşti Sınıfkerdışê şınasiye, Cınsê tewri ...
Mabênê zemani: 15–0Ma
Early Miocene – Recent
Long-tailed weasel (Mustela frenata)
Sınıfkerdışê şınasiye
Cınsê tewri
Linnaeus, 1758
  • Guloninae (martens, wolverines)
  • Helictidinae (ferret-badgers)
  • Ictonychinae (grisons, African polecats)
  • Lutrinae (otters)
  • Melinae (Eurasian badgers)
  • Mellivorinae (honey badgers)
  • Mustelinae (weasels)
  • Taxidiinae (American badgers)
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Subfamily Taxidiinae
  • Genus Taxidea
    • American badger, T. taxus

Subfamily Mellivorinae

  • Genus Mellivora
    • Honey badger, M. capensis

Subfamily Melinae

  • Genus Arctonyx
    • Hog badger, A. collaris
  • Genus Meles
    • Japanese badger, M. anakuma
    • Asian badger, M. leucurus
    • European badger, M. meles

Subfamily Helictidinae

  • Genus Melogale
    • Bornean ferret-badger, M. everetti
    • Chinese ferret-badger, M. moschata
    • Javan ferret-badger, M. orientalis
    • Burmese ferret-badger, M. personata
    • Vietnam ferret-badger, M. cucphuongensis

Subfamily Guloninae[1]

  • Genus Eira
    • Tayra, E. barbara
  • Genus Gulo
    • Wolverine, G. gulo
  • Genus Martes
    • American marten, M. americana
    • Yellow-throated marten, M. flavigula
    • Beech marten, M. foina
    • Nilgiri marten, M. gwatkinsii
    • Pine marten, M. martes
    • Japanese marten, M. melampus
    • Sable, M. zibellina
  • Genus Pekania
    • Fisher, P. pennanti

Subfamily Ictonychinae[1]

  • Genus Galictis
    • Greater grison, G. vittata
    • Lesser grison, G. cuja
  • Genus Ictonyx
    • Striped polecat, I. striatus
    • Saharan striped polecat, I. libycus
  • Genus Lyncodon
    • Patagonian weasel, L. patagonicus
  • Genus Poecilogale
    • African striped weasel, P. albinucha
  • Genus Vormela
    • Marbled polecat, V. peregusna

Subfamily Lutrinae (otters)

  • Genus Aonyx
    • African clawless otter, A. capensis
    • Oriental small-clawed otter, A. cinerea
  • Genus Enhydra
    • Sea otter, E. lutris
  • Genus Lontra
    • North American river otter, L. canadensis
    • Southern river otter, L. provocax
    • Neotropical otter, L. longicaudis
    • Marine otter, L. felina
  • Genus Lutra
    • Eurasian otter, L. lutra
    • Hairy-nosed otter, L. sumatrana
  • Genus Hydrictis
    • Spotted-necked otter, H. maculicollis
  • Genus Lutrogale
    • Smooth-coated otter, L. perspicillata
  • Genus Pteronura
    • Giant otter, P. brasiliensis

Subfamily Mustelinae

  • Genus Mustela
    • Amazon weasel, M. africana
    • Mountain weasel, M. altaica
    • Stoat (ermine), M. erminea
    • Steppe polecat, M. eversmannii
    • Colombian weasel, M. felipei
    • Long-tailed weasel, M. frenata
    • Japanese weasel, M. itatsi
    • Yellow-bellied weasel, M. kathiah
    • European mink, M. lutreola
    • Indonesian mountain weasel, M. lutreolina
    • Black-footed ferret, M. nigripes
    • Least weasel, M. nivalis
    • Malayan weasel, M. nudipes
    • European polecat, M. putorius
      • Domesticated ferret, M. p. furo
    • Siberian weasel, M. sibirica
    • Back-striped weasel, M. strigidorsa
    • Egyptian weasel, M. subpalmata
  • Genus Neovison
    • American mink, N. vison
    • Sea mink, N. macrodon (19th-century )

Fossil mustelids Extinct genera of the family Mustelidae include:

  • Brachypsalis
  • Chamitataxus
  • Cyrnaonyx
  • Ekorus
  • Megalictis
  • Oligobunis
  • Potamotherium
  • Sthenictis
  • Teruelictis


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