Temperature in °C compared to the thermodynamic scale in electron volts, which are also used as a unit of temperature

List of orders of magnitude for temperature

More information Factor, Multiple ...
00 K
1 qK
1 aK
1 fK
1 pK
  • 38 pK, lowest laboratory-produced temperature, achieved through matter-wave lensing of rubidium Bose-Einstein condensates.[1]
  • 450 pK, lowest temperature sodium Bose–Einstein condensate gas ever achieved in the laboratory, at MIT[2]
1 nK
1 μK
1 mK
1 K
10110 K
102100 K

See detailed list below

1 kK
10410 kK
1 MK
1 GK
1 TK
1 PK
1 EK
1 ZK
1 YK
1 RK
  • Everything 10−35 seconds after the Big Bang
1 QK
100 QK
1000 QK
10260 QK

Detailed list for 100 K to 1000 K

Most ordinary human activity takes place at temperatures of this order of magnitude. Circumstances where water naturally occurs in liquid form are shown in light grey.

More information Kelvin, Degrees Celsius ...
100 K−173.15 °C−279.67 °F
133 K−140 °C−220  °F
133 K to 163 K−140 to −110 °C−220 to −160 °F
163 K−110 °C−166  °F
165 K−108 °C−163 °F
  • Glass point of supercooled water (Debatable)[15]
175.4 K−97.8 °C−144 °F
  • Coldest luminance temperature recorded on Earth (measured remotely by satellite), in Antarctica[16]
183.7 K−89.5 °C−129.1 °F
183.9 K−89.2 °C−128.6 °F
192 K−81 °C−114 °F
193 to 203 K−80 to −70 °C−112 to −94 °F
194.6 K−78.5 °C−109.3 °F
203.55 K−69.6 °C−93.3 °FColdest officially recorded air temperature in the Northern Hemisphere at Klinck AWS, Greenland (Denmark) on 1991-12-22[18]}}
205.5 K−67.7 °C−89.9 °FColdest officially recorded air temperature on the Eurasian continent at Oymyakon, USSR on 6 February 1933[19][full citation needed]}}
210 K−63 °C−80 °F
214.9 K–58.3 °C–72.9 °F
223.15 K−50 °C−58 °F
224.8 K−48.4 °C−55.0 °F
  • Coldest temperature that water can remain a liquid (see Supercooling)
225 K−48 °C−55 °F
233.15 K−40 °C−40 °F
234.3 K−38.83 °C−37.89 °F
240.4 K−32.8 °C−27.0 °F
  • Coldest air temperature recorded in South America, at Sarmiento, Argentina on 1907-06-01[24]
246 K−27 °C−17 °F
249 K–24 °C–11 °F
249.3 K–23.9 °C–11.0 °F
  • Coldest air temperature recorded in Africa, at Ifrane, Morocco on 11 February 1935[24]
250 K–23 °C–9 °F
255.37 K–1779 °C0 °F
255 K–18 °C0 °F
256 K–17 °C1 °F
256 K–17 °C2 °F
257 K–16 °C3 °F
262 K−11 °C12 °F
263.15 K–10 °C14 °F
265 K–8 °C18 °F
265.8 K–7.2 °C19 °F
267 K–6 °C21 °F
271.15 K−2 °C28.4 °F
273.14 K-0.01 °C31.98 °F
  • Maximum temperature of an object causing frostbite
273.15 K0.00 °C32.00 °F
  • Freezing/melting point of fresh water (at 1 atm pressure)
273.16 K0.01 °C32.02 °F
276 K3 °C37 °F
277 K3.85 °C39 °F
277.13 K3.98 °C39.16 °F
279.8 K6.67 °C44 °F
  • Threshold of skin numbness if skin reaches this temperature
283.2 K10 °C50 °F
286.9 K12.7 °C54.9 °F
287.6 K14.44 °C58 °F
288 K15 °C59 °F
  • Mean on Earth
291.6 K18.4 °C65.1 °F
294 K21 °C70 °F
296 K23 °C73 °F
297 K24 °C75 °F
298 K25 °C77 °F
300 K27 °C81 °F
  • Thermoneutral temperature of an unclothed human at rest[35][36]
  • Estimated melting/freezing point of francium
302.9 K29.8 °C85.6 °F
303.15 K30 °C86 °F
  • The rate of plant growth is typically no greater above this temperature than at this temperature. (see Growing degree-day)
304 K31 °C88 °F
  • Melting/freezing point of butter, critical point for carbon dioxide
307 K34 °C93 °F
307.6 K34.4 °C93.9 °F
308 K35 °C95 °F
309.5 K36.4 °C97.5 °F
311.03 K37.87 °C100.2 °F
  • Beginnings of a fever for humans
311.8 K38.6 °C101.5 °F
313.15 K40 °C104 °F
315 K42 °C108 °F
  • Usually fatal human fever
317.6 K44.44 °C112 °F
319.7 K46.5 °C115.7 °F
321.45 K48.3 °C119 °FWorld's hottest air temperature recorded while raining, at Imperial, California, USA on July 24, 2018[41]}}
322.1 K48.9 °C120.0 °F
  • Hottest air temperature recorded in South America, at Rivadavia, Argentina on 1905-12-11[24]
  • Maximum safe temperature for hot water according to numeric U.S. plumbing codes[42]
  • Water will cause a second-degree burn after 8 minutes and a third-degree burn after 10 minutes[42]
323.14 K49.99 °C121.99 °F
  • Half-way point between freezing and boiling
323.9 K50.7 °C123.3 °F
329.87 K56.7 °C134.1 °F
333.15 K60 °C140 °F
  • Water will cause a second-degree burn in 3 seconds and a third-degree burn in 5 seconds[42]
  • Average temperature of a hair dryer
336 K63 °C145.4 °F
342 K69 °C157 °F
343.15 K70 °C158 °F
350 K77 °C170 °F
351.52 K78.37 °C173.07 °F
353.15 K80 °C176 °F
  • Average temperature of a sauna
355 K82 °C180 °F
355.6 K82.4 °C180.3 °F
366 K93 °C200 °F
367 K94 °C201 °F
371 K98 °C209 °F
  • Freezing/melting point of sodium
373.13 K99.98 °C211.97 °F
  • Boiling point of water at 1 atm pressure (see Celsius)
380 K107 °C225 °F
388 K115 °C239 °F
  • Melting/freezing point of sulfur
400 K127 °C260 °F
433.15 K160 °C320 °F
[full citation needed]}}
450 K177 °C350 °F
453.15 K180 °C356 °F
483 K210 °C410 °F
491 K218 °C425 °F
519 K246 °C475 °F
522 K249 °C480 °F
525 K252 °C485 °F
538 K265 °C510 °F
  • Smoke point of refined safflower oil
574.5875 K301.4375 °C574.5875 °F
600.65 K327.5 °C621.5 °F
  • Melting/freezing point of lead
647 K374 °C705 °F
  • Critical point of superheated water
693 K419 °C787 °F
  • Melting/freezing point of zinc
723.15 K450 °C842 °F
738 K465 °C870 °F
749 K476 °C889 °F
773.15 K500 °C932 °F
  • Oven on self-cleaning mode
798 K525 °C977 °F
858 K585 °C1085 °FKindling point of hydrogen[51]
933.47 K660.32 °C1220.58 °F
1000 K726.85 °C1340.33 °F

SI multiples

More information Submultiples, Multiples ...
SI multiples of kelvin (K)
Submultiples Multiples
Value SI symbol Name Value SI symbol Name
10−1 K dK decikelvin 101 K daK decakelvin
10−2 K cK centikelvin 102 K hK hectokelvin
10−3 K mK millikelvin 103 K kK kilokelvin
10−6 K μK microkelvin 106 K MK megakelvin
10−9 K nK nanokelvin 109 K GK gigakelvin
10−12 K pK picokelvin 1012 K TK terakelvin
10−15 K fK femtokelvin 1015 K PK petakelvin
10−18 K aK attokelvin 1018 K EK exakelvin
10−21 K zK zeptokelvin 1021 K ZK zettakelvin
10−24 K yK yoctokelvin 1024 K YK yottakelvin
10−27 K rK rontokelvin 1027 K RK ronnakelvin
10−30 K qK quectokelvin 1030 K QK quettakelvin


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