She possan monophyletagh ee clade; dy ghra myr shen, possan jeant magh jeh un hennayr ynrican as dagh ooilley cloan echey[1]. Cha nod y possan faagail magh cloan erbee. Ayns possan mooar, s'cosoylagh dy bee yn çhennayr chadjin oc marroo, as ymmodee cloan chammah[notey 1] . Cha nel feme erbee ec clade er fir t'er mayrn foast.

Shoh clade ayns gorrym. She possan dy beisteign as ushagyn (Aves) t'ayn, as sleih gra jiu dy nee possan monophyletagh t'ayn. Cha nel Reptilia (ny rang Linneagh) goaill stiagh ushagyn, as myr shen, cha nel beisteigyn nyn glade.

Ta bun Greagish ec y fockle: κλάδος, klados, "banglane".

Aayannoo rang-oardraghey

Cha row cladeyn ec Rang-oardraghey Linnaeagh, as bun y chorys shen caslysyn jalloo-oaylleeagh eddyr organeyn bioag. She keimoalaght neulhoobagh t'ec y chorys Linnaeagh; cha nel ny daa chorys (Rang-oardraghey Linnaeagh as Cladeaght) freggyrtagh, dy feer. Rere rang-oardraghey Linnaeagh, shegin da organe bioag ve ny hoie ayns keimoalaght neulhoobagh dy taxa, as ooilley ny rankyn shoh y ve er: dooie, genus, kynney, oardagh, rang, phylum as reeriaght. Ta'n corys shoh feer ymmydoil son oardraghey, myr sampleyr, çhaglymyn mooarey ayns thieyn-tashtey; ny yei shen, cha nel eh cho mie son taishbyney mooinjerys ta caghlaa rish y traa (trooid aafilley).

Chammah's shen, cha nel organeyn bioag oardraghey ad hene dy caaoil, as myr shen, cha nod ymmyd rankyn ve corrym car y chorys. Cha nel keimyn soit ec cladeyn, as myr shen, foddee oo jannoo clade ec keim erbee.


  1. Foddee nagh bee shen firrinagh bentyn da clade veg as jeianagh.


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