Textile bụ nche anwụ okwu na-agụnye iche iche eriri dabeere ihe, gụnyere eriri, yarns, filaments, eri, dị iche iche ákwà ụdị, wdg Na mbụ, okwu "textiles" naanị na-ezo aka kpara akwa . [1]:3[2]:5[3] However, weaving is not the only manufacturing method, and many other methods were later developed to form textile structures based on their intended use. Knitting ná ndị na-abụghị nke a na-akpa bụ ụdị ndị ọzọ na-ewu ewu nkè ịmepụta ákwà. [4] N'ụwa nkè oge a, ákwà akwa na-egbo mkpa ihe màkà ngwá dịgasị iche iche, site ná uwe dị mfe kwá ụbọchị rụọ ná jaket mkpuchi mgbọ, uwe oghere, ná uwe ndị dọkịta . [3] [5] [4]

  1. Joseph (1977). Introductory textile science, Internet Archive, New York : Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 3, 4, 439. ISBN 978-0-03-089970-6.Joseph, Marjory L. (1977). Introductory textile science. Internet Archive. New York : Holt, Rinehart and Winston. pp. 3, 4, 439. ISBN 978-0-03-089970-6.
  2. Kadolph (1998). Textiles, Internet Archive, Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Merrill, 4, 5. ISBN 978-0-13-494592-7.Kadolph, Sara J. (1998). Textiles. Internet Archive. Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Merrill. pp. 4, 5. ISBN 978-0-13-494592-7.
  3. textile | Description & Facts (en). Encyclopedia Britannica. Archived from the original on 2015-06-11. Retrieved on 2021-08-19.
  4. Elsasser (2005). Textiles : concepts and principles, Internet Archive, New York, NY : Fairchild Publications, 8, 9, 10. ISBN 978-1-56367-300-9.
  5. (1959) Fairchild's dictionary of textiles, Internet Archive, New York, Fairchild Publications, 552, 553, 211, 131.
Ụdị floral nke ejiri aka mee na textiles, mmepụta nkè textiles nkè bụbu ọrụ aka áká, etolitela n'ubi bụrụ ịbụ taa nkè gụnyere mmepụta nkè eriri, yarn, akwa ná ngwaahịa dị ichè ichè nkè eriri màkà ojiji ụlọ ná ụlọ ọrụ dị iche ichè.

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