Wikipedia logo The Simple English Wikipedia has an article on: Experience experience is on the Basic English 850 List. expansion - experience - expert experience is one of the 1000 most common headwords. expense - experience - explain Experience is on the Academic Vocabulary List. Pronunciation IPA (key): /ɪkˈspɪə.ri.ens/, SAMPA: /Ik"spI@.rI.Ens/ IPA (key): /ɪksˈpɪriəns/, SAMPA: /Iks"pIr\i@ns/ Audio (US)(file) Audio (UK)(file) Hyphenation: ex‧pe‧ri‧ence Noun Singular experience Plural experiences (countable) An experience is an event that happens to you or that you are a part of. Synonyms: happening, occurrence and event The spelling bee was a horrible experience. (uncountable) Experience is the amount of time you have been doing something (especially, a job). Antonym: inexperience He has ten years of experience in law. Related words experiential Verb Plain form experience Third-person singular experiences Past tense experienced Past participle experienced Present participle experiencing Experience is on the Academic Vocabulary List. If I experience something, it happens to me or I am involved in it. Synonyms: go through, happen and occur We are experiencing technical difficulties. We will never experience poverty because we are so rich.Wikiwand - on Seamless Wikipedia browsing. On steroids.