Wikipedia logo The Simple English Wikipedia has an article on: Influence Pronunciation enPR: ĭnflüəns, IPA (key): /ˈɪn.flu.əns/ SAMPA: /InfluEns/ Audio (US)(file) Noun Singular influence Plural influences Influence is on the Academic Vocabulary List. An influence is a force that causes something to happen or for someone to do something. Aerosmith has been quite an influence on rock music. The works of Leonardo da Vinci have always been an influence on my artistic career. An influence is also power to affect or change someone or something by means of position or power. Sometimes, I feel like my parents have so much control that everything and everyone in the world is under their influence! It is very dangerous to drive under the influence of alcohol. Verb Plain form influence Third-person singular influences Past tense influenced Past participle influenced Present participle influencing Influence is on the Academic Vocabulary List. If you influence something, you are forcing something to happen or for someone to do something. Doesn't this calm music just influence you to frolic in a meadow? Yoga has been known to influence a healthy and balanced lifestyle. If you influence something, you can also be changing or swaying it. Vote-stacking can heavily influence an election. Conditions in the atmosphere influence weather. Related words influencer influentialWikiwand - on Seamless Wikipedia browsing. On steroids.