little is on the Basic English 850 List.
A little dog
A little girl falling down
- If something is little, its size is not big.
- I just ate a tiny little piece of the cake.
- (usually before a noun) A little while, distance, etc. is not long.
- Could you just wait a little while more?
- A little person or animal is young.
- Two little boys were fighting on the playground.
- (indefinite) (singular) (non-count)
Little money, room, help, etc. is a small amount of it; not much.
- They understood little or no French.
- He was busy and had little time for children.
- Try to spend as little of your money as possible.
- We saw little of her after the first day.
- Little is known about the problem.
- The building was destroyed leaving little more than rock and glass.
- She's a quiet person with little to say about these things.
- This has little to do with him and a lot to do with you.
- We saved what little was left.