score is one of the 1000 most common headwords. science - score - Scotland Pronunciation (UK) enPR: skô, IPA (key): /skɔː/, SAMPA: /skO:/ (US) enPR: skôr, IPA (key): /skoʊr/, IPA (key): /skɔːr/, SAMPA: /skO:r/ Audio (US)(file) Noun Singular score Plural scores A piece of musical score The numbers used to tell who is winning in a sport or game. The final score for the ball game was 30 to 17. (music) A copy of written music, usually for an orchestra. Usually, this means all the written music for all the players for a piece of music. I have the whole score for the Brandenburg Concertos. The results of a test or quiz. You must earn a score of at least 70 to pass the test. The number 20. This is an old meaning; people don't use score for this much any more. Four score and seven years ago. Verb Plain form score Third-person singular scores Past tense scored Past participle scored Present participle scoring To gain points in a game, so that your score is increased. The basketball player just scored three points! To get a certain result on a text or quiz. I scored a 95 on the test! (slang) To have sex. (slang) To get something. I scored some tickets to the game tonight. To make a groove in paper or cardboard. If you score the paper first, gently using a knife along the edge of a ruler, then you'll be able to fold it neatly and straight.Wikiwand - on Seamless Wikipedia browsing. On steroids.