time is one of the 1000 most common headwords. tie - time - to Pronunciation (UK) (US) (Canada) enPR: tīm, IPA (key): /taɪm/ or [tʰaɪm] (AU) IPA (key): /tɑem/ Audio (US)(file) Homophone: thyme Noun Singular time Plural times (uncountable) Time is what we measure with a clock. "What time do you finish work?" "At four o'clock (4:00)." I don't have time to talk to you right now. Can we do it later? (countable) If you do something one time, you do it once. Related words times in time Verb Plain form time Third-person singular times Past tense timed Past participle timed Present participle timing (transitive) If you time something, you measure how long it takes in seconds, minutes, hours, etc. Take out your watch and time yourself during the test. Wikiwand - on Seamless Wikipedia browsing. On steroids.