Tē-kiû beh 4-hun-chi-3 (71%) ê bīn-chek hō͘ hái-iûⁿ khàm tiâu leh. Tāi-lio̍k kap khah tōa ê kûn-tó chiōng chit 1 tōa-phiàn ê kiâm-chúi hun-chò 5 tōa-iûⁿ:

tóng-àn:Mappemonde oceanique Serret.gif
the World Ocean mappemonde océanique Serret

Tōa-iûⁿ chi-kan ê hun-kài iû Kok-chè Hydrographic Cho͘-chit chè-tēng. Pí-lūn kóng Lâm-ke̍k-iûⁿ sī tùi Lâm-ke̍k tāi-lio̍k ê hoāⁿ kàu lâm-hūi 60-tō͘. Hái-iûⁿ khah sè tè ê pō͘-ūi pau-koat hái, oan, hái-kiap, téng-téng.

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