This article gives a list of AMD microprocessors, sorted by generation and release year. If applicable and openly known, the designation(s) of each processor's core (versions) is (are) listed in parentheses. For an overview over concrete product, you then need to consult further articles, like e.g. list of AMD accelerated processing units.

Features overview



APU features table

AMD-originated architectures

Am2900 series (1975)

29000 (29K) (1987–95)

Non-x86 architecture processors

2nd source (1974)

Am9080 (second source for Intel 8080)

2nd source (1982)

Am29X305 (second source for Signetics 8X305)

ARM64 based Opteron Processors (2016)

AMD Opteron A1100 series

i386 architecture processors


2nd source (1979–91)

(second-sourced x86 processors produced under contract with Intel)

  • 8086
  • 8088
  • Am286 (2nd-sourced 80286, so not a proper Amx86 member)

Amx86 series (1991–95)

K5 architecture (1996)

K6 architecture (1997–2001)

K7 architecture (1999–2005)

AMD64 architecture processors

K8 core architecture (2003–2014)

K8 series

K10 core architecture (2007–2013)

K10 series CPUs (2007–2013)

K10 series APUs (2011–2012)

Bulldozer architecture; Bulldozer, Piledriver, Steamroller, Excavator (2011–2017)

Bulldozer Series CPUs

Low-power architecture; Bobcat, Jaguar, Puma (2011–present)

Zen core architecture (2017–present)

Zen-based CPUs and some APUs use the Ryzen brand, while some APUs use the Athlon brand.

An AMD Ryzen 5 2600
Die shot of a Ryzen 3 1200

Zen series CPUs and APUs (released 2017)

Zen+ series CPUs and APUs (released 2018)

Zen 2 series CPUs and APUs (released 2019)

Zen 3 series CPUs and APUs (released 2020)

Zen 3+ series CPUs and APUs (released 2022)

Zen 4 series CPUs and APUs (released 2022)

Zen 5 series CPUs and APUs (releasing 2024)

See also


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